The Postgres implementation of the dbadapter package, still needs testing andthe getDate... method just returns the db function to return the date; to retreive thecurrent time is a second function so we may want to add a second method to return thecurrent time.
- changed to use the DBAdapter uniform interface for all apperance of "sysdate" and uniqueid generation from sequenceMetaCatUtil:- reads from the dbadapter class implemented the interfaceand creates an instance of that class (in static public variable named dbAdapter) for use....
the abstract DBAdapter class and its Oracle implementationfor the new dbadapter package
Fixed bug in metacat where return doctypes were not being properlyback traced. Changed DBQuery.findDocuments() so that it no longertakes a returndoc array, but instead retrieves the returndoc arrayfromthe QUERYSpecification. The QuerySpecification was augmented...
Added ability to process multiple "returndoc" elements ina pathquery document. Now, any query hit will be back traced to anassociated package if that package is listed in one of the"returndoctype" elements.
Modifications that change the package handling behavior of metacat. Packagemembership is now determined by an identifier being used as either the subjector object in a triple. One can not request arbitrary returndocs -- onlythose types that have package information embedded can be "returndoctype"...
fix in the return of the last revisionid on UPDATE instead of the previous one
fixed the problem with empy password authentication.Ldap somehow allows DirContext to be createdwhen empty password is provided as in our caseinstead of comlaining like with wrong password string.So included a check for empty password in order to reject the login.
as John were testing Metacat on postgres,he discovered that Connection needs more precise checkwhether it is open because of db timing outs.So used to be:if ( conn null ) { get new connection from db; }Now changed to:if ( conn null || conn.isClosed() ) { get new connection from db; }...
fix to view abstract only when abstractpath parameter was specified
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