Correctly mint and register DOIs in teh MN API implementation. Add tests to exercise minting and creating.
remove older lucene library and include ORE test to make sure that change does not prevent us from generating OREs.
move DocInfo parsing into utilities project so that it can be used by Morpho as well as Metacat.
return from test when we encounter the NotImplemented exception for
include identifier.guid in the test SQL clause. id not implemented by metacat -- making that explicit and also testing for it.
In migrating to Hazelcast 2.4.x, replace deprecated methods.
simplify the xml_access query, and instead use guid to check for permission. Now the docid/rev join (to get most recent version for search results) happens "higher up" in the query.
remove use of HttpMessage (in morpho.jar) in favor of standard httpclient methods for calling the servlet in tests
use CDATA for docname field in docInfo so that XML parser ignores the content that can contain characters like "&
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