


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 7513 about 12 years ben leinfelder include the create test in the suite

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7513 03/12/2013 04:45 PM ben leinfelder

include the create test in the suite

7510 03/12/2013 03:20 PM ben leinfelder

Correctly mint and register DOIs in teh MN API implementation. Add tests to exercise minting and creating.

7492 02/21/2013 05:13 PM ben leinfelder

remove older lucene library and include ORE test to make sure that change does not prevent us from generating OREs.

7476 12/12/2012 02:38 PM ben leinfelder

move DocInfo parsing into utilities project so that it can be used by Morpho as well as Metacat.

7466 12/07/2012 10:35 AM ben leinfelder

return from test when we encounter the NotImplemented exception for

7465 12/07/2012 10:30 AM ben leinfelder

include identifier.guid in the test SQL clause.

7464 12/07/2012 10:25 AM ben leinfelder id not implemented by metacat -- making that explicit and also testing for it.

7422 11/10/2012 03:35 PM Chris Jones

In migrating to Hazelcast 2.4.x, replace deprecated methods.

7407 10/18/2012 03:14 PM ben leinfelder

simplify the xml_access query, and instead use guid to check for permission. Now the docid/rev join (to get most recent version for search results) happens "higher up" in the query.

7402 10/15/2012 04:41 PM ben leinfelder

remove use of HttpMessage (in morpho.jar) in favor of standard httpclient methods for calling the servlet in tests

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