


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 7526 almost 12 years ben leinfelder include class diagram for components in the cn-...
  lib 7525 almost 12 years ben leinfelder switch to non-snapshot EZID client jar.
  src 7520 almost 12 years ben leinfelder select only distinct guids (synch may have fail...
  test 7516 almost 12 years ben leinfelder lookup the title for EML files when registering...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 32.6 KB 7518 almost 12 years ben leinfelder add README note about DOI support http://bugzil... 2.76 KB 7496 about 12 years ben leinfelder ready Metacat for 2.0.6 release (docs, db versi... 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 58.3 KB 7521 almost 12 years ben leinfelder enable plantuml generation when building the sp... 16.3 KB 6053 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as ...
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7526 03/28/2013 04:14 PM ben leinfelder

include class diagram for components in the cn-index-processor packaage (dataone), metacat, and solr library.

7525 03/25/2013 05:22 PM ben leinfelder

switch to non-snapshot EZID client jar.

7524 03/25/2013 11:57 AM ben leinfelder

use new, dedicated, LTER test account for LDAP referral test.

7522 03/25/2013 10:30 AM ben leinfelder

added more classes to the index diagram to reflect current state of the code - needs to be updated to include plan for implementation (e.g., DocType object is not what we want).

7521 03/22/2013 04:50 PM ben leinfelder

enable plantuml generation when building the sphinx documentation. note that you do need to have graphviz installed, but hopefully that is all.

7520 03/22/2013 12:43 PM ben leinfelder

select only distinct guids (synch may have failed more than once for any given guid)

7519 03/22/2013 12:29 PM ben leinfelder

include xml_revisions.
do not allow removal of server_location = 1 documents (these are not replicas).

7518 03/15/2013 12:24 PM ben leinfelder

add README note about DOI support

7517 03/14/2013 09:56 AM ben leinfelder

include size and format datcite elements (optional) and use more general resourceType without formatId in them (Dataset/metadata and Dataset/data).

7516 03/13/2013 05:11 PM ben leinfelder

lookup the title for EML files when registering DOIs.
lookup the creator from DataONE CN (if available).
add EML-based test.

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