


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 7778 almost 12 years ben leinfelder do not require PortalCertificateManager be conf...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7778 05/24/2013 10:20 AM ben leinfelder

do not require PortalCertificateManager be configured. Fix NPE because session was not created when using old sessionid-based authentication.

7773 05/23/2013 09:45 PM ben leinfelder

handle client certificates, portal certificates and jsessionid as three ways to prove you are an uthenticated user.

7772 05/23/2013 06:39 PM Jing Tao

Use some contants from the EnabledQueryEngines.

7766 05/23/2013 01:26 PM Matt Jones

Updated documentation, and added modification date to the sitemap index file entries.

7765 05/23/2013 12:55 PM Matt Jones

Remove unused import.

7764 05/23/2013 12:52 PM Matt Jones

Mofdified Sitemap class to also generate the sitemap index file that is needed when more than one sitemap file is provided.

7757 05/23/2013 10:20 AM ben leinfelder

use ContentTypeInputStream interface (and ByteArray implementation) to specify the desired content-type of the InputStream returned by MN.query().

7755 05/22/2013 04:44 PM ben leinfelder

load the evicted SM back into the map on a "Refresh" so that listeners hear the update. (metacat-index, for example)

7752 05/22/2013 03:49 PM ben leinfelder

switch back to log4j statements now that I am sure certificate delegation is working.

7749 05/22/2013 03:02 PM ben leinfelder

use System.out.println until the oa4mp logging issue is resolved.

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