


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 799 about 23 years Matt Jones Completely removed the socket-server feature th...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
799 07/19/2001 02:20 AM Matt Jones

Completely removed the socket-server feature that used to provide
file upload. It is now replaced by multipart/form-data over http.

798 07/19/2001 01:52 AM Matt Jones

Modified Metacat to support large data file uploads. This is accomplished
by supporting a new content type for data sent to metacat:
which allows multiple files to be sent in a standard MIME format. The
MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost() method now checks the incoming content...

797 07/17/2001 07:58 PM bojilova

Simplified ReplicationHandler:
It is run now in the same thread started from DBSAXHandler;
thus the same connection opened in that thread is used,
i.e. no need for new connection and no complains as "Connection is closed" in ReplicationHandler;
"Connection is closed" error happens when in the current thread there are try to use connection opened in another thread,...

795 07/17/2001 09:20 AM bojilova

support for the new terms included in pathquery.dtd

793 07/16/2001 12:32 PM bojilova
Included utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:
Metacat parameters:

792 07/13/2001 12:17 PM bojilova

don't need to override the old meta_file_id tags with docid without rev
since Morpho inserts docids before sending the docs to Metacat

790 07/06/2001 11:58 AM bojilova

added constructor in DocumentImpl for use in DBQuery.findDocuments();
this new constructor is used with getDocumentInfo() to get the doc info only;
because the other constructor builds the whole xml doc which is not needed here and time consuming;
this happens on backtracking only.

788 07/05/2001 09:38 AM bojilova

fixed bug - hardcoded LDAP URL

787 07/02/2001 03:06 PM bojilova

made use of the new property for ldaps url;
it is used for secure connection to LDAP server listening on second port 636 by default with SSL sockets;
it is used from Metacat for the authetication process only;
all the rest communications with LDAP server are made on the default port 389 with plain sockets

785 07/02/2001 11:24 AM bojilova

moved delete from xml_relation before delete from xml_documents
because of the parent-child relation b/w these 2 tables

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