Changed the constructors so that the nodeRecordList is automaticallyretrieved by the DocumentImpl(Connection,String) constructor. thisrestores its earlier behavior, but the implementation is totallydone by DocumentImpl(Connection,String,boolean).
Added fix to DocumentImpl that showed problems when the DocumentImpl(conn)constructor was called. Now there is a new constructor: DocumentImpl(Connection, String, boolean)where the boolean value is used to determine if the nodeset should beread a t the time the cosntructor is called. if false, then...
Completely removed the socket-server feature that used to providefile upload. It is now replaced by multipart/form-data over http.
Modified Metacat to support large data file uploads. This is accomplishedby supporting a new content type for data sent to metacat: multipart/form-datawhich allows multiple files to be sent in a standard MIME format. TheMetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost() method now checks the incoming content...
Simplified ReplicationHandler:It is run now in the same thread started from DBSAXHandler;thus the same connection opened in that thread is used,i.e. no need for new connection and no complains as "Connection is closed" in ReplicationHandler;"Connection is closed" error happens when in the current thread there are try to use connection opened in another thread,...
support for the new terms included in pathquery.dtd utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:DBUtil.getLastDocid(username).Metacat parameters:action='getlastdocid'username
don't need to override the old meta_file_id tags with docid without revsince Morpho inserts docids before sending the docs to Metacat
added constructor in DocumentImpl for use in DBQuery.findDocuments();this new constructor is used with getDocumentInfo() to get the doc info only;because the other constructor builds the whole xml doc which is not needed here and time consuming;this happens on backtracking only.
fixed bug - hardcoded LDAP URL
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