


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dtd 853 over 23 years Matt Jones Added new DTD files for the new release of EML....
  marine 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
  srbrmi 526 over 24 years bojilova SRB v1.1.8
  style 851 over 23 years Matt Jones New version of the IE5 stylesheet that is XSLT ...
catalog.txt 1.64 KB 352 over 24 years berkley added eml-resource to the catalog
contents.html 2.65 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
cos.jar 53.4 KB 798 over 23 years Matt Jones Modified Metacat to support large data file upl...
filtertest.html 2.41 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
index.html 1.44 KB 833 over 23 years Matt Jones Minor bug fixes following change in style handl...
knb.xml 986 Bytes 850 over 23 years Matt Jones CHanged style-set handling for case when a styl...
knbquery.html 774 Bytes 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
loadxml.html 2.23 KB 681 about 24 years bojilova included checkbox "public" for the servlet's "p...
login.html 1.76 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
marine.html 3.08 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
marinenoredir.html 1.67 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
metacat.html 1.52 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ... 1.13 KB 852 over 23 years Matt Jones Updated metacat login semantics. Now, metacat ...
pathquery.dtd 3.48 KB 794 over 23 years bojilova included new terms for searchmode: equals (form...
queform.html 2.42 KB 743 almost 24 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
replControl.html 1.49 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
replMain.html 3.9 KB 839 over 23 years bojilova added input box in replMain web page for downlo... 160 Bytes 527 over 24 years bojilova changes for using SRB v1.1.8 at LTER, NM
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
validate.html 3.31 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
web.xml 4.49 KB 585 about 24 years berkley added the replication servlet to the default we...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
853 10/22/2001 09:46 AM Matt Jones

Added new DTD files for the new release of EML. Changed the naming
convention for all new DTDs, so the public IDs are now consistently

852 10/21/2001 05:51 PM Matt Jones

Updated metacat login semantics. Now, metacat assumes the username passed
in is the 'full' distinguished name of the user. If that fails, then
instead it tries looking up the string and seeing if it can determine
what the DN is, then uses it. The preferred method of logging in via...

851 10/21/2001 04:07 PM Matt Jones

New version of the IE5 stylesheet that is XSLT 1.0 compliant.

850 10/19/2001 07:47 PM Matt Jones

CHanged style-set handling for case when a stylesheet for a specific
doctype has not been registered. Now we are using a simple "ascii tree"
view of the XML document. I'm hoping we can get a nicer generic display
set up over the long run, but for now this handles the basics.

849 10/19/2001 04:48 PM Matt Jones

Removed all DTDs from the metacat module in anticipation of getting
them from the standard "mdstandards/eml" module. This will mean
that an update to the build script is necessary in order to copy and rename
the dtds from the eml module.

844 10/18/2001 11:13 AM berkley

default css stylesheet so that metacat will look right

839 09/24/2001 10:52 AM bojilova

added input box in replMain web page for downloading of the certificate file
from the specified URL of the source server
added new metacat property "certPath" for uploading the certificate file onto destination server

833 09/14/2001 05:37 PM Matt Jones

Minor bug fixes following change in style handling. Fixed image locations,
cleaned up main resultset stylesheet.

832 09/14/2001 04:00 PM Matt Jones

Added support for multiple user interfaces by enabling style sheet
transformations to be configured from within metacat rather than
from in the database. Now, metacat uses the qformat parameter to determine
a "style set", which is mapped to an xml configuration file that...

829 09/13/2001 07:26 PM Matt Jones

More fully completed the eml-dataset XSLT stylesheet for translating
into HTML format. Now more of the relevant fields are completed, and
the coverages are shown. Still need to systematically address every
field that could be present, but I hit the major ones.

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