


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  Metacat 8300 over 11 years Matt Jones Adding build files to ignore.
  control-services 2675 over 19 years Matt Jones Removed unused subroutines that were for testing.
  create-registry 2800 about 19 years sgarg Added new variables to the script which creates... 8.26 KB 3762 almost 17 years Matt Jones Fixes to record sies of ecogrid files, and to f... 3.24 KB 2499 almost 20 years sgarg Adding perl script for changing ldap password f... 11.1 KB 2341 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldapweb.cgi & create-ldap-account.p...
docid-for-binaries.txt 792 KB 4722 about 16 years walbridge Add script for converting documents with docnam... 4.65 KB 4722 about 16 years walbridge Add script for converting documents with docnam... 4.58 KB 2638 over 19 years harris Added a function to strip out the whitespace th... 3.01 KB 2820 about 19 years Matt Jones This is a basic commandline client for resolvin... 4.29 KB 3724 almost 17 years Matt Jones Skeleton for data insertion script. Also added ...
kruger_docids 824 Bytes 4166 over 16 years ben leinfelder initial doc id list from original conversion
ldapweb.cgi 61.6 KB 8540 about 11 years Jing Tao Use an array of a hash to keep the orgName/orgL...
list_of_docids 6.81 KB 2115 almost 21 years sgarg Perl script for transfering documents from one ...
register-dataset.cgi 158 KB 8816 over 10 years Lauren Walker Create a lock file for the registry if one doe... 2.82 KB 8265 over 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar... 3.82 KB 8265 over 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8816 07/29/2014 05:33 PM Lauren Walker

Create a lock file for the registry
if one doesn't exist

8815 07/29/2014 04:35 PM Lauren Walker

Allow the registry form to specify a docid scope

8814 07/29/2014 03:53 PM Lauren Walker

Only lock the local docid file when creating a new docid, not when inserting, for faster upload times. Remove extra debug messages from testing.

8813 07/28/2014 05:22 PM Lauren Walker

Fix bug in the online registry where data files were not using the new docid creation process

8812 07/28/2014 03:57 PM Lauren Walker

Lock a local file while docids are being created so multiple docs can be uploaded at once

8540 01/30/2014 02:47 PM Jing Tao

Use an array of a hash to keep the orgName/orgLabel pair.

8522 01/22/2014 04:32 PM Jing Tao

Pass the userManagementUrl to templates.

8501 01/14/2014 06:06 PM Jing Tao

Use the verity=>none for start_tls method on some search methods.
These methods will search the referral servers, some of which is using self-signed certificate. There is a difficuty to verify it.
The search methods don't have any critical data, so the down-grade doesn't have too much impact.

8415 12/02/2013 05:26 PM Jing Tao

when a user reset the password, we search the user to use the base=o=org,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org and filter is uid=username.

8413 11/22/2013 04:01 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to check if the stored the uidnext is a number or not.

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