use sparql field and triple store from cn-index_processor (refactor). include annotatorSubprocessor for testing in metacat-index
when we remove a slor index of a resource map, we don't need to know the content of the resource map. Instead, we will search the solr index to get information.
Add the code to handle to remove the resource map index.
Add codes to handle remove a source map solr index.
Create a valid URI by using all lowercase letters when creating a name for the triple model in the Rdf Xml Subprocessor. See bug:
When indexing annotations from RDFs, use the doc id to access the system metadata, not the model name since they are not always the same.
Add PROV relationships to the Solr schema. Populate the fields using the RdfXmlSubprocessor
update to use v2 types for indexing
handle multiple subprocessors (RDF and ORE) before the object gets indexed by making sure to merge the solr doc map before submitting to the index.
use a non-public rightsHolder for both EML and Annotation test documents now that the RDF subprocessor checks each annotation to see that it came from a user that as write permission for the object being annotated.
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