


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  nceas 9116 about 10 years Jing Tao Add the timestamp for the printing out the star...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9116 02/12/2015 03:32 PM Jing Tao

Add the timestamp for the printing out the start and end of hazelcast synchronization.

9111 02/09/2015 05:38 PM Jing Tao

Call the method lock.lock() immediately after getting the lock. Otherwise, if an exception happened between the two calls (in another word, lock.lock() was called), lock.unlock() can cause an issue:
Current thread is not owner of lock!

9107 02/06/2015 04:46 PM Jing Tao

Add a cap to only write 512 characters of the user-agent to db.

9099 02/06/2015 12:10 PM Matt Jones

Modify v1 and v2 calls to MultipartRequestResolver to use MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE from configuration.

9098 02/06/2015 11:55 AM Jing Tao

The constrcutor of EventLogData missed the user-agent field. So the user-agent wasn't recorded.
The bug was fixed.

9096 02/06/2015 09:21 AM ben leinfelder

organize imports. move exception-throwing method call into try block.

9095 02/06/2015 09:15 AM ben leinfelder

use HttpMultipartRestClient since the DefaultHttpMultipartRestClient was removed from d1_libclient_java

9094 02/06/2015 01:16 AM Matt Jones

Updated D1ResourceHandler to not hardcode a file size limit. This will allow
large, multi-gigabyte files to be uploaded, but still needs testing. The limit
is now drawn from the file. An alternative would be to inspect
the Content-Length header of the request and set the max to a value greater than the...

9093 02/04/2015 04:44 PM Jing Tao

The setReplicationStatus method only supports sid and the setRightsHolder method supports both PID and SID.

9092 02/04/2015 03:10 PM Jing Tao

Add the code transform a sid to a pid in publish, getPackage and view method. Fefer dataONE #6734.

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