


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 7440 over 12 years ben leinfelder add link for reference on how to do record limi...
  metacat 9335 over 9 years Jing Tao Add the code to check the date of system metada...
  protocols 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  shared 5015 over 15 years daigle Create database and shared directories for data...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9335 09/24/2015 04:58 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to check the date of system metadata modification match in MN.updateSystemMetadata only. CN.updateSystemMetadata doesn't check.

9333 09/24/2015 01:59 PM ben leinfelder

use request query string first when handling MN.query() method.

9329 09/23/2015 03:35 PM Jing Tao

Commented out the code to check serial version on the updateSystemMetadata method.

9328 09/23/2015 12:00 PM Jing Tao

Add more debug messages for the isCNAdmin method.

9327 09/21/2015 04:37 PM Jing Tao

Put a the systemMetadataChanged method into a queue, so it will not hold the block.

9326 09/16/2015 12:57 PM Chris Jones

Change updateReplicationMetadata() and setReplicationStatus() to no longer set the dateSysmetaModified date per our discussion on 9/16/15.

9325 09/16/2015 10:04 AM Jing Tao

Add more debug statement for the updateSystemMetadata method.

9324 09/15/2015 04:16 PM Jing Tao

In the getLog method, if the event is null, we will set it unknown.

9323 09/15/2015 03:51 PM Jing Tao

If the event string is null, we will skip this log in the getLog method.

9322 09/15/2015 03:15 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to check if we can't get the current system metadata from the node in the mn.systemMetadataChanged method.
If we can't find it, an InvalidRequest will be thrown.

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