


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 7440 over 12 years ben leinfelder add link for reference on how to do record limi...
  metacat 9342 over 9 years Jing Tao Add the code to check if the serialVersion obje...
  protocols 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  shared 5015 over 15 years daigle Create database and shared directories for data...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9342 09/30/2015 11:55 AM Jing Tao

Add the code to check if the serialVersion object is null before it is saved to the db.

9340 09/28/2015 01:47 PM Jing Tao

Add a flag on the systemMetadataChanged method. If it is true, the authoritative member node will only accepts the serial version and replica list; the replica node accepts everything. If it is false, it will accept everything.

9339 09/28/2015 10:01 AM Jing Tao

Add a note for the updateSystemMetadata method.

9337 09/25/2015 02:55 PM Jing Tao

CN.updateSystemMetadata will ignore the serial version and replica list in the comming system metadata from the mn.

9335 09/24/2015 04:58 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to check the date of system metadata modification match in MN.updateSystemMetadata only. CN.updateSystemMetadata doesn't check.

9333 09/24/2015 01:59 PM ben leinfelder

use request query string first when handling MN.query() method.

9329 09/23/2015 03:35 PM Jing Tao

Commented out the code to check serial version on the updateSystemMetadata method.

9328 09/23/2015 12:00 PM Jing Tao

Add more debug messages for the isCNAdmin method.

9327 09/21/2015 04:37 PM Jing Tao

Put a the systemMetadataChanged method into a queue, so it will not hold the block.

9326 09/16/2015 12:57 PM Chris Jones

Change updateReplicationMetadata() and setReplicationStatus() to no longer set the dateSysmetaModified date per our discussion on 9/16/15.

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