


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 743 over 23 years Matt Jones Modifications that change the package handling ...
  docs 932 about 23 years Matt Jones Updated installation instructions to reflect th...
  lib 938 almost 23 years Jing Tao In QBQuery class some classes - Triple and Trip...
  src 945 almost 23 years Jing Tao A new method named hasPermissionToExportPackage...
  test 796 over 23 years bojilova tests made on Oracle and SQL Server.
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 3.3 KB 895 about 23 years berkley updated for new release 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 13.2 KB 939 almost 23 years Jing Tao A property named "morpho" was added. It is the ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
945 02/26/2002 08:23 AM Jing Tao

A new method named hasPermissionToExportPackage was added. So when MetaCat handle export action, it will check if user has permission to read the data package. If it has, MetaCat will export a zip output stream to it. Otherwise, MetaCat will be through a exception.

944 02/26/2002 08:18 AM Jing Tao

Code to handle "read" permission was changed in hasPermission method. The old code used old way to look up the public_access field in xml_documents table.

943 02/22/2002 03:02 PM Jing Tao

A new action named export was add to it. This action will export a zip output stream for a data package. In the zip output stream, meta data documents, data files and a html summary file are include. The stucture will looks like:
package----/metadata/metadata docments...

942 02/22/2002 02:56 PM Jing Tao

Two metacat util methods were add. One is getDocIdFromString and the other is getVersionFromString. They output a docid and revision if a string like str1.str2.str3. were passed to them.

941 02/22/2002 02:53 PM Jing Tao

A method named transformXmlDocument were overload. It transform an XML document to StringWriter using the stylesheet reference from the db.

940 02/22/2002 02:50 PM Jing Tao

A public method named getZippedPackage() and other relative private methods were add to this class. The public method can give a zip output stream if a docid and other parameters were passed to it.

939 02/22/2002 02:46 PM Jing Tao

A property named "morpho" was added. It is the path for morpho.jar. (Now, in DBQuery class some morpho package class are used). Morpho was added to cpath too. During the "install", morpho willbe copy to the target too.

938 02/22/2002 02:39 PM Jing Tao

In QBQuery class some classes - Triple and TripleCollection, which come from morpho package wereused. So morpho.jar was added to metacat libray. The reseaon to use these class is xml document need to be parsed and get docids' relationship.

937 02/20/2002 03:16 PM Jing Tao

Adding the style sheet of html file in zip data package for morpho to metacat.
So the html summary file can have the same style in morpho and metacat zip package.

936 02/20/2002 03:10 PM Jing Tao

Adding a new doctype and its publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-generic//EN".
It connects http://server@style-path@/generic-morpho.xsl.
So the html files in zip data package have the same style sheet for both morpho and metacat.

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