



From 02/08/2014 to 03/09/2014


01:43 PM Task #6448 (Resolved): Create Solr query to retrieve temporal coverage data
Lauren Walker
01:42 PM Feature #6446 (Resolved): Create a link in the dropdown menu from main navigation on the user's name that links to their profile
User can now navigate to their profile/dashboard by clicking on their name in the drop down menu after logging in. Lauren Walker
10:54 AM Feature #6446 (Resolved): Create a link in the dropdown menu from main navigation on the user's name that links to their profile
Lauren Walker
01:02 PM Task #6447 (Closed): Linear scale on Y axis does not adjust when an additional line is added to the chart with a higher count
The additional line will just run off the edge of the SVG chart Lauren Walker


12:24 PM Task #6444 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for SNAP theme
Lauren Walker
12:23 PM Task #6443 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for default theme
Since the default theme is very generic, I would probably leave most styling the same as the KNB but I'll probably sw... Lauren Walker
12:21 PM Task #6442 (Resolved): Change colors of charts for GOA theme
Lauren Walker
12:20 PM Task #6441 (Resolved): Pull general info about the user and display at top of page
If the query sent to the ProfileView is for rightsHolder=..., then we will grab the general info about that person (n... Lauren Walker


04:18 PM Task #6438 (Resolved): Add upload chart title with total upload counts for each formatType
Lauren Walker
10:45 AM Task #6430: Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I just added a LineChartView to draw line time series charts by passing it an array of data. Styling can be customize... Lauren Walker
07:18 AM Feature #5976 (In Progress): Implement 'Node statistics' page to descibe the node contents and usage
ben leinfelder
06:50 AM Story #6319: Filter spatial data by centroid totally encompassed in the map viewport rather than bounding box encompassed in the map viewport
This will require upgrading metacat-index to use SOLR v4 spatial features. There's a bit of experimentation to be don... ben leinfelder


03:12 PM Bug #6436 (New): + characters are not URL-encoded when part of a text search and are therefore being decoded in metacat as a space character
I will want to replace +'s with %2B's on the front end before passing them to Metacat - but this will only be effecti... Lauren Walker
01:31 PM Task #6432 (Resolved): Create a Solr query to retrieve upload data
We will retrieve all metadata and data objects, even obsoleted ones, and break up facet counts into chunks of one yea... Lauren Walker


04:00 PM Task #6432 (Resolved): Create a Solr query to retrieve upload data
I will need to get number of objects uploaded by a specific user (rightsHolder) grouped into ranges of one month Lauren Walker
03:55 PM Task #6430: Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I've moved the donut chart rendering code to its own view Lauren Walker
02:19 PM Task #6430 (Resolved): Create a view for each graph type so they are reusable throughout MetacatUI
I'll need to move the donut chart code that I've completed to a new view and keep the code extremely generalized so t... Lauren Walker
11:36 AM Task #6429 (Resolved): Create data year coverage chart in user profile
Lauren Walker
11:35 AM Task #6428 (Resolved): Create upload chart for user profile
Lauren Walker


10:39 PM Bug #6418: EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
I deployed this on KNB just now and the headers are where I would expect them to be. Using EMLPARSER_2_1_1_UPDATE_3 t... ben leinfelder
11:02 AM Bug #6418 (Resolved): EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
Lauren Walker
10:59 AM Bug #6425 (Resolved): Registry modal help screen has badly-offset headers (similar to EML documentation)
The CSS that makes these headers look weird has been changed so that only elements on certain pages are selected - Ab... Lauren Walker


04:35 PM Bug #6425 (Resolved): Registry modal help screen has badly-offset headers (similar to EML documentation)
In the registry page, there are "?" links that show a modal window -- that content could use some css attention on th... ben leinfelder
04:34 PM Feature #6385 (Closed): Add 'Edit' button to metadata view for editing metadata through metacatUI rather than Morpho
Added a button to the #view page and made sure the help links work as expected even when doing cross-domain entry (e.... ben leinfelder
11:16 AM Feature #6385 (In Progress): Add 'Edit' button to metadata view for editing metadata through metacatUI rather than Morpho
This was relatively easy to implement. Now requests to:... ben leinfelder


04:06 PM Story #6423 (Resolved): Allow users to link their ORCID to their data
Lauren Walker
04:03 PM Feature #6422 (Resolved): Use the LDAP DN when the user in logged in for the user profile name - otherwise use the user id
Lauren Walker
04:02 PM Feature #6421 (Resolved): Create graphs in user profile with the information we have in the Solr index now
Lauren Walker


05:43 PM Feature #6408 (Resolved): Add a help e-mail address mailto: link to all UI error messages
Lauren Walker
04:36 PM Bug #6418: EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
I edited the emlparser documentation a while ago to fix this issue. We may want to update the emlparser webapp on the... Lauren Walker
04:00 PM Bug #6420 (Resolved): Date range query widget should trigger search when up/down buttons are used or values are typed in the two input fields.
Lauren Walker


11:54 AM Bug #6420 (Resolved): Date range query widget should trigger search when up/down buttons are used or values are typed in the two input fields.
ben leinfelder
11:10 AM Bug #6418 (Resolved): EML documentation has some CSS layout issues (knb theme)
Looking at the EML docs via the Metacat UI, there are still headers that are placed oddly. I think this stems from pa... ben leinfelder

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