



From 09/06/2004 to 10/05/2004


02:54 PM Bug #1694: Passing auth certificates to EcoGrid services
Yes, I think we should modify the level I interface. I also think we should
modify the get and query operations to t...
Matt Jones
02:44 PM Bug #1694 (Resolved): Passing auth certificates to EcoGrid services
Currently the get and query operation in EcoGridQueryInterfaceLevelOne doesn't
has any authentication. It works as ...
Jing Tao


03:45 PM Bug #1673: Work with XSLT parser to convert ITIS data for input to Taxon DB
This now needs to convert data into 0.80 schema. Aimee Stewart
03:28 PM Bug #1677: Modify concept package objects to handle relationships for TOS v1.1.0
These have been done, but changes to the tests are not complete. Aimee Stewart
10:39 AM Bug #1677: Modify concept package objects to handle relationships for TOS v1.1.0
*** Bug 1678 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Aimee Stewart
10:34 AM Bug #1677 (In Progress): Modify concept package objects to handle relationships for TOS v1.1.0
Create CRelationshipTo objects to be held within CConcept objects. Create
CRelationshipAssertion objects to be used...
Aimee Stewart
10:39 AM Bug #1678: Modify concept package objects to handle relationships
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1677 ***
Aimee Stewart
10:34 AM Bug #1678 (Resolved): Modify concept package objects to handle relationships
Create CRelationshipTo objects to be held within CConcept objects. Create
CRelationshipAssertion objects to be used...
Aimee Stewart
10:30 AM Bug #1576: Implement EnterProviderData for TOS v1.1.0 with input TCS
Use Napier's version 0.8 (in cvs as
Aimee Stewart


06:21 PM Bug #1676 (Resolved): create Ecogrid authentication service
As we are developing Ecogrid's put service, we see a need to have a standalone
Ecogrid authentication service which ...
Bing Zhu
06:17 PM Bug #1675 (Resolved): create Ecogrid authentication service
As we are developing 'put' service in Ecogrid, we see a need to have a
standalone Ecogrid authentication service wh...
Bing Zhu


03:53 PM Bug #1673 (In Progress): Work with XSLT parser to convert ITIS data for input to Taxon DB
Modify and use XSLT parser written by Dave Thau to convert existing ITIS data
from v0.51 into current (0.71) schema.
Aimee Stewart
03:50 PM Bug #1645: Propose modifications to schema to better fit SEEK needs
The latest schema given to developers addresses many of the issues we had
raised. We are using the schema and will c...
Aimee Stewart

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