



From 02/12/2005 to 03/13/2005


08:02 PM Bug #871: Extend the Project Summary view: add more, allow sort
plot counts and people and places are added. Sorting still not implemented
(vegbank:pager makes this one challenging)
Michael Lee
08:00 PM Bug #2002: add VegBranch downloads to cache and fix infinite loop problem
text export via jsp is done, just needs to be hooked up to export web features now.
XML formed via these jsp's:
Michael Lee
07:55 PM Bug #1966: Fix downloader: only download all data for ASCII, not one file only
fixed. replaced options with hidden <input> that has the value of "all" Michael Lee
02:40 PM Bug #2007: Status records duplicated when loading NatureServe comms
ditto for usages, which are children of status Michael Lee
02:39 PM Bug #2007 (New): Status records duplicated when loading NatureServe comms
Concepts are successfully not duplicated, but status records (1 per concept) are
loaded each time they come up.
Michael Lee


03:36 PM Bug #1977: need to add parent of namedplace in that table.
done! Just need to run the sql script when we rebuild vegbank. Reminder is
listed in the wiki page for rebuilding v...
Michael Lee


11:41 PM Bug #2004: broken link on Main Menu of
fixed now. was deployed without the latest struts-config.xml P. Anderson
09:39 PM Bug #2004 (Resolved): broken link on Main Menu of
I got the blue tomcat screen of invalidity:
HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /DisplayDatasets was requested
type St...
Michael Lee
12:37 PM Bug #2003 (Resolved): put String rowclass in standard jsp declarations
this way don't have to define it in each page and risk doubling it up in an
included page
Michael Lee
09:51 AM Bug #2002 (Resolved): add VegBranch downloads to cache and fix infinite loop problem
Michael Lee


06:52 PM Bug #1977: need to add parent of namedplace in that table.
new namedplaceCorrelation added on aldo. Need to test that its addition doesn't
pose problems for compile of java be...
Michael Lee


12:08 PM Bug #1858: XML Loader (13): XML files need to load that have no plots, just other valid root elements
this DOES work. Communities loaded successfully on aldo Michael Lee


01:46 PM Bug #1863: XML Loader (7): run keywordGen after loading XML
yep - only entities sans keywords are updated right after load now. P. Anderson
01:43 PM Bug #780: Email and show online deposit receipt; (option of long or short format?)
done, but still need finish dataset view so that link works. P. Anderson
01:36 PM Bug #1978: Plant and Community Query Broken
fixed now. P. Anderson

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