



From 05/28/2005 to 06/26/2005


10:33 AM Bug #2132 (Resolved): download into VegBranch
new method of doing this Michael Lee


01:38 PM Bug #1610: lift VA Heritage data embargo
check for the data, in Shenandoah, then check
with Phil and Karen just to confirm.
Michael Lee


12:44 PM Bug #2102 (New): IN JULY: Load Real Concepts that have been a major part of this grant
Make interact with extant USDA list. Michael Lee


04:09 PM Bug #1952: Load userdefined during XML load
It looks like Gabe put some work into making this happen, but we've since
changed the way userdefined data are in the...
Michael Lee
02:47 PM Bug #2098: allow space delimited stem lists
no, that is crazy. Advise users that they can use search and replace in their
fields if they are space delimited.
Michael Lee
02:46 PM Bug #2074: Login on IE doesn't work (use, works there)
we think this is resolved for now, as login works on IE, but not for
aldo, which would still be nice to h...
Michael Lee
12:31 PM Bug #2007: Status records duplicated when loading NatureServe comms
this fixed in the XSL for NEW plants and communities, but the update file WILL
still need some special processing.
Michael Lee
12:29 PM Bug #2049: AccessionCode Gen breaks on reference due to nulls in field, even when it's not updating these
AccessionGen now speeded up greatly and nulls are replaced with the default
confirmation code (defined in .props file).
Michael Lee


05:06 PM Bug #2101 (Resolved): Rework UserDefined Data in VegBranch
Make sure that new tables: D2 and E2?? can have userdefined put in for them.
Maybe handle this a bit differently. ...
Michael Lee
02:45 PM Bug #2100 (Resolved): d2 user defined fields not in Z_fieldDesc
Michael Lee
12:04 PM Bug #2099: allow more stems in stemClasses (25 instead of 15)
import queries from Peet Rockies VegBranch DB modified on or after 6/2/05 @ 11:45am Michael Lee
12:00 PM Bug #2099: allow more stems in stemClasses (25 instead of 15)
edit move_E2_to_E_getTallyDefns and related queries Michael Lee
11:56 AM Bug #2099: allow more stems in stemClasses (25 instead of 15)
ADD the following to move_E2_to_E_pre1:
union all SELECT Z_USER_E2_stemClasses_data_alldefn...
Michael Lee
11:53 AM Bug #2099: allow more stems in stemClasses (25 instead of 15)
edit qry: move_E2_to_E_tallies Michael Lee
11:52 AM Bug #2099 (Resolved): allow more stems in stemClasses (25 instead of 15)
Michael Lee
11:51 AM Bug #2098 (Resolved): allow space delimited stem lists
replace code in moveE2toE_runall() with this: (needs test)
With rstTEmp
'get list of values
Do Un...
Michael Lee


03:18 AM Bug #2069: allow "complex terms" to be searched for in metasearch
done on aldo. Pending final java once-over by pmark. checked into cvs. Works
great. xwhereMatchWholeWords added t...
Michael Lee


02:31 PM Bug #2069: allow "complex terms" to be searched for in metasearch
step 1: add white space around "the keywords" of an entity:
--add SQL: UPDATE keywords SET keywords = ' ' || keywords...
Michael Lee
12:04 PM Bug #2088: selected plot summary rows appear as selected on other pages
adding all to cart is now handled in a different manner and this shouldn't
happen any more!
Michael Lee
11:54 AM Bug #2074: Login on IE doesn't work (use, works there)
latest in this saga is that it does seem to work on vegbank, but not aldo.
Could have to do with P3P settings req'd ...
Michael Lee
11:52 AM Bug #675: Evaluate Tutorial
HELP buttons now work throughout the site to link to tutorial. Tutorial has
been updated for content and now support...
Michael Lee


10:23 AM Bug #2092: certification form is broken, doesn't load (aldo and vegbank)
was linking to cert.jsp and should have been going to
Michael Lee


03:11 PM Bug #1971: Rename Metasearch "general search" and explain how it works on screens
done. How it works depends on the manual, which is coming along. Michael Lee

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