

Bertram Ludaescher


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2


Project Roles Registered on
Ecoinformatics Reporter 03/27/2013
EML Reporter 03/27/2013
FIRST Reporter 03/27/2013
InfoVeg Reporter 03/27/2013
Jalama Reporter 03/27/2013
Kepler Reporter 03/27/2013
Metacat Reporter 03/27/2013
Monarch Reporter 03/27/2013
Morpho Reporter 03/27/2013
NRS Information System Reporter 03/27/2013
REAP Reporter 03/27/2013
SANParks Informatics Reporter 03/27/2013
SciencePipes Reporter 03/27/2013
SEEK Reporter 03/27/2013
Semtools Reporter 03/27/2013
Utilities Reporter 03/27/2013
VegBank Reporter 03/27/2013
WoW Reporter 03/27/2013



09:30 PM Kepler Bug #4443: gui-free class for provenance store settings
This sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I fully understand it.
Could this be a bit further expanded?
Can one not u...
Bertram Ludaescher


07:44 PM Kepler Bug #4361: Workflow Run Manager column "Workflow Name" can be confusing
What are the constraints, between those two names, i.e. (1) the filename, and (2) the workflow name as specified in t... Bertram Ludaescher


02:18 AM Kepler Bug #4282: Duplicate of ptolemy.gui.Top
For instructional and educational purposes I found it useful to be able to switch to Ptolemy from Kepler, not least b... Bertram Ludaescher


08:58 AM Kepler Bug #1750: Allow KAR files to include jar/class files
Seems this is a long standing issue that requires further discussion.
Any pointers to design documents or similar?
Bertram Ludaescher


06:50 PM Kepler Bug #4292: Menu items should display the same icon as buttons with the same functionality.
Will the 2.0 config system allow this to be done in 2.x.y, or does this sound more like a 3.0 feature?
Bertram Ludaescher
06:43 PM Kepler Bug #4310: ValueListeners receive valueChanged events when values have not changed
getValueAsString sounds like a "read only" activity, so I understand that a "valueChanged" event is a surprise, if no... Bertram Ludaescher
06:27 PM Kepler Bug #4316: re-evaluate how kars are managed in the build and runtime
Can someone post here a link to any further documentation about how the "KAR system" is supposed to work? Then we cou... Bertram Ludaescher


04:35 PM Kepler Bug #4095 (New): Java Package Ontology (e.g. to facilitate Ptolemy component access)
Ptolemy has a number of neat components that are currently very hard to get to.
For example, MonitorReceiverContent...
Bertram Ludaescher


09:08 AM Kepler Bug #4068: File Menu should display 5 most recently used workflows
Hi Ben:
Yes, you're right: remembering the last used directory (even if only within a session) is convenient!
If w...
Bertram Ludaescher


03:53 PM Kepler Bug #4068 (Resolved): File Menu should display 5 most recently used workflows
The 'File' menu in Kepler does not show the most recently opened workflows.
It would be important to have a "Recent ...
Bertram Ludaescher

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