

dhogan dhogan

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  • Registered on: 03/27/2013


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Reported issues 5 1 6


Project Roles Registered on
Ecoinformatics Reporter 03/27/2013
EML Reporter 03/27/2013
FIRST Reporter 03/27/2013
InfoVeg Reporter 03/27/2013
Jalama Reporter 03/27/2013
Kepler Reporter 03/27/2013
Metacat Reporter 03/27/2013
Monarch Reporter 03/27/2013
Morpho Reporter 03/27/2013
NRS Information System Reporter 03/27/2013
REAP Reporter 03/27/2013
SANParks Informatics Reporter 03/27/2013
SciencePipes Reporter 03/27/2013
SEEK Reporter 03/27/2013
Semtools Reporter 03/27/2013
Utilities Reporter 03/27/2013
VegBank Reporter 03/27/2013
WoW Reporter 03/27/2013



12:23 PM Kepler Bug #5333: 2.2 rc3: getenv("") doesn't work for mac installation.
> One way work around is to set environment variables at
~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. It works for Kepl...
dhogan dhogan


03:00 PM Kepler Bug #5578 (Resolved): Add DiffModules with build-area
StatusModules excludes build-area because it isn't in modules.txt. It would be helpful to include build-area in 'ant... dhogan dhogan


03:02 PM Kepler Bug #5557: Replace hardcoded path separator with File.pathSeparator
This is a bit of a hack since it requires you to compile doc.doclets.RatingTaglet first. It does generate all of the... dhogan dhogan


07:52 AM Kepler Bug #5558 (New): Add kepler-tasks target to build.xml and use depend in kepler-tasks.xml
The attached patch adds a new target, kepler-tasks, to run 'ant -f kepler-tasks.xml'. It also uses depend to avoid f... dhogan dhogan


12:44 PM Kepler Bug #5557: Replace hardcoded path separator with File.pathSeparator
Added a few more fixes. The importance should be bumped to normal because it's no longer just a cosmetic fix. When ... dhogan dhogan
11:58 AM Kepler Bug #5557 (New): Replace hardcoded path separator with File.pathSeparator
The class uses ":" rather than File.pathSeparator. It will display incorrectly on... dhogan dhogan
09:43 AM Kepler Bug #5556 (New): Add key bind to GUI to avoid connecting edge prematurely
It would be really nice if Diva had some key bind to allow you to avoid connections. A common use case would be when... dhogan dhogan
09:25 AM Kepler Bug #5555 (New): Add reverse index in ArrayElement
Trivial enhancement to add reverse index to ArrayElement in Ptolemy. dhogan dhogan


02:58 PM Kepler Bug #5554 (In Progress): Build system doesn't recompile using dependencies by default
The build system is using the Javac task's default dependency mechanism which checks mtimes of source code vs. class ... dhogan dhogan
11:11 AM Kepler Bug #5502: use https to svn check out modules
This would make it easier to track development behind a corporate firewall.
Attached is a patch that uses https for ...
dhogan dhogan

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