

Steve Tekell


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 3 3
Reported issues 2 0 2


Project Roles Registered on
Ecoinformatics Reporter 03/27/2013
EML Reporter 03/27/2013
FIRST Reporter 03/27/2013
InfoVeg Reporter 03/27/2013
Jalama Reporter 03/27/2013
Kepler Reporter 03/27/2013
Metacat Reporter 03/27/2013
Monarch Reporter 03/27/2013
Morpho Reporter 03/27/2013
NRS Information System Reporter 03/27/2013
REAP Reporter 03/27/2013
SANParks Informatics Reporter 03/27/2013
SciencePipes Reporter 03/27/2013
SEEK Reporter 03/27/2013
Semtools Reporter 03/27/2013
Utilities Reporter 03/27/2013
VegBank Reporter 03/27/2013
WoW Reporter 03/27/2013



07:59 AM SEEK Bug #1638 (New): EcoGrid Web - Implementation
Implement the EcoGrid search webapp. Steve Tekell
07:52 AM SEEK Bug #1637 (New): EcoGrid Web - Design
Design web application for searching EcoGrid.
The search should be able to search multiple nodes at once and prese...
Steve Tekell


09:00 AM SEEK Bug #1616: RSS feed shows incorrect URL
The base URL was not set, so it wasn't really generating any RSS feed. The
incorrect URL is just a part of old data...
Steve Tekell


08:10 AM SEEK Bug #1613: organizations missing from web auth dropdown
for the short term, have added NAPIER, UVM to list manually. We can still
rewrite the code to generate the list dyn...
Steve Tekell

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