


Matthew Brooke's activity

From 05/13/2003 to 06/11/2003


04:03 PM Morpho Bug #1104 (Resolved): REOT feedback: attach strings to "public" metacat packages
REOT feedback: attach strings to "public" metacat packages
the group wondered if it would be possible to monitor w...
Matthew Brooke
04:00 PM Morpho Bug #1103 (In Progress): REOT feedback: export and import for external data manipulation
REOT feedback: export and import for external data manipulation:
Despite the awesome data editing functionality no...
Matthew Brooke
03:56 PM Morpho Bug #1102: REOT feedback: change-log viewer for package versions
The change log shoudl differentiate between changes to data nad changes to
Matthew Brooke
03:55 PM Morpho Bug #1102 (In Progress): REOT feedback: change-log viewer for package versions
REOT feedback: change-log viewer for package versions:
It woudl be useful for users to be able to see a log of cha...
Matthew Brooke
03:54 PM Morpho Bug #1101 (In Progress): REOT feedback: external changes to your packages
REOT feedback: notification of external changes to your packages:
1) Consider this scenario: a user downloads and ...
Matthew Brooke
03:46 PM Morpho Bug #1100 (In Progress): REOT feedback: ability to sort data by multiple columns simultaneously
REOT feedback: ability to sort data by multiple columns simultaneously, like in
excel - eg: first sort by column A,...
Matthew Brooke
03:43 PM Morpho Bug #1099 (In Progress): REOT feedback: ability to rename exported files
REOT feedback: ability to rename exported files - these are currently auto-
named, and it's not obvious which files ...
Matthew Brooke
02:59 PM Morpho Bug #1098 (In Progress): REOT feedback: ability to freeze or lock columns while scrolling other columns sideways (like Excel split pane)
REOT feedback: ability to freeze or lock columns while scrolling other columns
sideways (like Excel split pane)
Matthew Brooke
02:55 PM Morpho Bug #1097 (In Progress): REOT feedback: need to view 2 entities simultaneously from same pkg
REOT feedback: need to view 2 entities simultaneously from same pkg. Can't do
this with current interface unless th...
Matthew Brooke
02:52 PM Morpho Bug #1096 (In Progress): REOT feedback: display entity # and total # of entities near/on tabs
REOT feedback: display entity # and total # of entities near/on tabs - for
example, if a package has 200 entities, ...
Matthew Brooke
02:49 PM Morpho Bug #1095 (In Progress): REOT feedback: add toolbar buttons for data-editing, like in MS Ex**l
REOT feedback: add toolbar buttons for most-frequently-used data-editing
functions, like in MS Ex**l.
Matthew Brooke
02:37 PM EML Bug #249: Update XSLT stylesheets for EML 2.0 modules
Jing is currently working on this - reassigning to him Matthew Brooke
02:35 PM Jalama Bug #1094 (Resolved): revise data package wizard visual layouts after functionality done
revise data package wizard visual layouts after functionality done - on first
pass-thru', visual appearance and usa...
Matthew Brooke


05:54 PM Jalama Bug #1093 (In Progress): Unit tests for JS and XBL
Need to come up with a framework for testing JavaScript and XBL bindings.
For JS, look at JsUnit ( http://jsunit.b...
Matthew Brooke
05:53 PM Jalama Bug #1092 (In Progress): Find/Develop Documentation Tools For XBL and Javascript
Need something that works kinda like javadoc so we can pull all the comments and
method.function signatures from th...
Matthew Brooke
05:44 PM Jalama Bug #1091 (Resolved): Develop Data-Entry Architecture For Handhelds
Develop Data-Entry Architecture For Handhelds:
In follow-up to the discussions at our recent meeting with Matt, w...
Matthew Brooke
05:35 PM Jalama Bug #1090 (Resolved): Update Jalama Website
Update Jalama Website - we all need to think of stuff to be added/changed. Matthew Brooke
05:34 PM Jalama Bug #1089 (Resolved): Write research paper on Jalama
write a research paper on unspecified aspects of jalama for an unspecified publication :-)
Should be submitted and...
Matthew Brooke
05:31 PM Jalama Bug #1088 (Resolved): Re-write text labels in Data Package Wizard to be Human-Readable
Re-write text labels in Data Package Wizard to be Human-Readable instead of using
terminology that can be understoo...
Matthew Brooke
05:27 PM Jalama Bug #1087 (Resolved): Determine Data Package Wizard Minimum Functionality Set
determine exactly what fields shoudl be represented in DPW, and which may be left out,
in order to create a useful ...
Matthew Brooke
05:26 PM Jalama Bug #1086 (Resolved): Generate XUL from schema
given the recent experience from writing the data package wizard, look at first steps
towards generating XUL from a...
Matthew Brooke
05:23 PM Jalama Bug #1085: Write code for "" command
The initial purpose for this command is so it can be called from the data package wizard
when inlining data.
When t...
Matthew Brooke
05:19 PM Jalama Bug #1085 (Resolved): Write code for "" command
Write code for "" command which takes a url as an
argument (either a file:// url or ...
Matthew Brooke
05:13 PM Jalama Bug #1084 (Resolved): re-order EML DOM output from DataPackage Wizard
Data package wizard currently outputs name/val pairs in wrong order, and this is the
order that the EML DOM gets ge...
Matthew Brooke

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