


Gabriel Farrell's activity

From 02/09/2004 to 03/09/2004


11:41 AM VegBank Bug #1118: strutify the certification form and possibly change the way log-in/cookie are done
Think this is closed but let mark decide Gabriel Farrell
11:39 AM VegBank Bug #914: Buy new hardware for post 1.0.0 release
Well memory add to vb recently i pass on this bug like a chain letter. Gabriel Farrell
11:37 AM VegBank Bug #1313: 102 Update: Summary Plot View Page
Works with 1.0.2 Gabriel Farrell
11:37 AM VegBank Bug #1312: 102 Update: Comprehensive Plot View Page
Works with 1.0.2 Gabriel Farrell
11:36 AM VegBank Bug #1218: Get really new XML importing (version 1.0.2), allow zipped
This is working with 1.0.2 and allows uploading of zip files.
Retification will build on the existing code base here...
Gabriel Farrell


01:49 PM VegBank Bug #1114: Logging system needs to be upgraded
Log4j is in place now ( via commons logging ). There is much that can be done
to exploit it.
Right now we can send ...
Gabriel Farrell

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