Dan Higgins's activity
From 04/29/2004 to 05/28/2004
- 11:12 AM Morpho Bug #1574: Morpho freezes, DPW child screens disappear
- This may be due to a window positioning problem rather than Morpho actually
'freezing'. When another window is brough...
- 04:45 AM Morpho Bug #1561: EML Attribute Page Editor doesn't handle some XML Schema attributes/elements correctly
- An alternative 'fix' would be to change the way the tree editor handles xml
attributes. Right now it inserts suggeste... - 04:37 AM Morpho Bug #1555: Unable to open data files of local data packages that are created in another profile
- The real bug here is the fact that metadata from other profiles is visible, not
that data files are not!
The idea wa... - 04:31 AM Morpho Bug #1562: "Local" icon missing in data package display
- This 'bug' is really a deliberate 'feature' (although one that is apparently not
understood ;-). When a beta6 eml do...
- 12:43 PM Kepler Bug #1557 (Resolved): problems with paths with 'spaces'
- There are sometimes problems when the kepler directory is in a path that has
'spaces' like "Program Files". Should f... - 12:41 PM Kepler Bug #1556 (Resolved): problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
- The one-button mouse on the Mac makes it impossible to do certain actions
required by the Kepler graph editor (e.g. ...
- 02:23 PM Morpho Bug #1550 (New): Missing images in eml doc in Morpho
- The eml documentation that is generated for inclusion in the Morpho help
documentation does not display the element ... - 02:19 PM Morpho Bug #1549 (New): Problem with corrupt beta6 packages
- For some reason, a few older datapackages (e.g. higgins.2042.9) which contain
numerous data files are corrupt (meani... - 11:51 AM Morpho Bug #1547 (New): incorporate eml parser into Morpho
- Currently, a full check of the eml created by Morpho is not done until a package
is submitted to metacat where the s...
- 05:07 PM Morpho Bug #1541: image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
- This bug was NOT caused by the transformation, but rather by the way data files
associated with a beta6 package were ... - 03:23 PM Morpho Bug #1541: image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
- On Apr 28, 2004, at 10:34 AM, Christopher Jones wrote:
additional comments from Chris Jones:
The last EML2b6 bug I... - 03:19 PM Morpho Bug #1541 (Resolved): image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
- Images that were saved as part of eml-beta6 packages do not display properly
after transformation to eml2 in Morpho ... - 03:16 PM Morpho Bug #1539: <keywordSet> is transformed incorrectly from EML2b6 to EML2
- revised the style sheet to loop over keyWordSets so that eaxh keywordSet is
independently transformed. - 12:46 PM Morpho Bug #1540: problem with moving beta6 data to local machine
- The problem was a logic error in the serializeData command in the
AbstractDataPackage class. Data was being moved to ... - 12:43 PM Morpho Bug #1540 (Resolved): problem with moving beta6 data to local machine
- Cris Jones reported a problem where data associated with older beta6 data
packages could be displayed (from PISCO me...
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