


Dan Higgins's activity

From 04/29/2004 to 05/28/2004


11:12 AM Morpho Bug #1574: Morpho freezes, DPW child screens disappear
This may be due to a window positioning problem rather than Morpho actually
'freezing'. When another window is brough...
Dan Higgins


04:45 AM Morpho Bug #1561: EML Attribute Page Editor doesn't handle some XML Schema attributes/elements correctly
An alternative 'fix' would be to change the way the tree editor handles xml
attributes. Right now it inserts suggeste...
Dan Higgins
04:37 AM Morpho Bug #1555: Unable to open data files of local data packages that are created in another profile
The real bug here is the fact that metadata from other profiles is visible, not
that data files are not!
The idea wa...
Dan Higgins
04:31 AM Morpho Bug #1562: "Local" icon missing in data package display
This 'bug' is really a deliberate 'feature' (although one that is apparently not
understood ;-). When a beta6 eml do...
Dan Higgins


12:43 PM Kepler Bug #1557 (Resolved): problems with paths with 'spaces'
There are sometimes problems when the kepler directory is in a path that has
'spaces' like "Program Files". Should f...
Dan Higgins
12:41 PM Kepler Bug #1556 (Resolved): problems with one-button mouse on Macintosh
The one-button mouse on the Mac makes it impossible to do certain actions
required by the Kepler graph editor (e.g. ...
Dan Higgins


02:23 PM Morpho Bug #1550 (New): Missing images in eml doc in Morpho
The eml documentation that is generated for inclusion in the Morpho help
documentation does not display the element ...
Dan Higgins
02:19 PM Morpho Bug #1549 (New): Problem with corrupt beta6 packages
For some reason, a few older datapackages (e.g. higgins.2042.9) which contain
numerous data files are corrupt (meani...
Dan Higgins
11:51 AM Morpho Bug #1547 (New): incorporate eml parser into Morpho
Currently, a full check of the eml created by Morpho is not done until a package
is submitted to metacat where the s...
Dan Higgins


05:07 PM Morpho Bug #1541: image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
This bug was NOT caused by the transformation, but rather by the way data files
associated with a beta6 package were ...
Dan Higgins
03:23 PM Morpho Bug #1541: image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
On Apr 28, 2004, at 10:34 AM, Christopher Jones wrote:
additional comments from Chris Jones:
The last EML2b6 bug I...
Dan Higgins
03:19 PM Morpho Bug #1541 (Resolved): image display problem with image data from beta6 docs
Images that were saved as part of eml-beta6 packages do not display properly
after transformation to eml2 in Morpho ...
Dan Higgins
03:16 PM Morpho Bug #1539: <keywordSet> is transformed incorrectly from EML2b6 to EML2
revised the style sheet to loop over keyWordSets so that eaxh keywordSet is
independently transformed.
Dan Higgins
12:46 PM Morpho Bug #1540: problem with moving beta6 data to local machine
The problem was a logic error in the serializeData command in the
AbstractDataPackage class. Data was being moved to ...
Dan Higgins
12:43 PM Morpho Bug #1540 (Resolved): problem with moving beta6 data to local machine
Cris Jones reported a problem where data associated with older beta6 data
packages could be displayed (from PISCO me...
Dan Higgins

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