


John Harris's activity

From 08/08/2005 to 09/06/2005


10:17 AM Metacat Bug #2190 (Resolved): Metacat Spatial Option Admin Page
The Metacat Spatial Option needs an admin page so that the Metcat administrator
can administer the configuration of ...
John Harris
10:12 AM Metacat Bug #2189 (Resolved): Refactor skins so returnfield list comes from configuration
Refactor skins so returnfield list comes from cfg, so then both metacat and
mapserver can use this info to generate ...
John Harris
10:10 AM Metacat Bug #2188 (Resolved): replace web client with OpenLayers
The Metacat spatial viewer should support basic GIS functions such as panning,
zoomin, and selection and ordering of...
John Harris
10:08 AM Metacat Bug #2187 (New): Option to view map or metadata.
When the users issues a Metacat query, the user should be given the option of
seeing the results of the query within...
John Harris
10:05 AM Metacat Bug #2186 (Resolved): Customizable web map client
Currently, the spatial elements displayed within the Metacat spatial viewer are
lacking the standard information nee...
John Harris
10:01 AM Metacat Bug #2185 (Resolved): Package the Metacat spatial option independently
Metacat should be available with and without the spatial options -- Metacat
without the spatial options will, obviou...
John Harris
09:55 AM Metacat Bug #2184 (Resolved): Integrate into skins system
The Metacat spatial option(s) should be easily included in any skin, so that
individuals and organizations may easil...
John Harris
09:53 AM Metacat Bug #2183 (Resolved): use metacat events to trigger spatial element creation
Currently, the creation of spatial elements used within the Metacat spatial
viewer is done through a call to an exte...
John Harris
09:44 AM Metacat Bug #2182 (Resolved): Identifying point goes direct to metadata display
The user should be able to click on a point (and maybe a polygon) with in the
map viewer and have the metdata be dis...
John Harris
09:43 AM Metacat Bug #2181 (Resolved): Footprint based query
Currently, there is no way to submit a query based on a selected region of a
map. We need to be able to draw a box ...
John Harris
09:29 AM Metacat Bug #2180 (In Progress): Make it easier for admin to add new layers
Currently, to add new spatial layers to the metacat map server it requires a sys
admin type individual with some uni...
John Harris
09:25 AM Metacat Bug #2179 (Resolved): Fix harvesting script to get all points and boxes
Currently, the code that extracts spatial information from EML documents stored
in Metacat only grabs points and doe...
John Harris
08:55 AM Metacat Bug #2178 (Resolved): Evaluate java-based web mapping applinactions
Currently, Metacat works with MapServer, an
application that is used to display spatia...
John Harris

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