


Michael Daigle's activity

From 05/29/2008 to 06/27/2008


12:02 PM Metacat Bug #3176: Verify existing token changes to skins
Verified that all skins are working Michael Daigle
09:31 AM Metacat Bug #3384 (Resolved): Implement and test turnkey installation on windows
Phase III of the turnkey installation project is the creation of turnkey installer for windows. Michael Daigle
09:23 AM Metacat Bug #3383 (In Progress): Create RPM/Deb installation utilities
Phase II of the turnkey installation project is the creation of an install utility for linux Michael Daigle
09:21 AM Metacat Bug #3382 (Resolved): Update documentation for all 1.9 changes
Update documentation including:
Release notes for 1.9
Online installation instructions
User/Dev help html pages
Michael Daigle
09:20 AM Metacat Bug #3381 (Resolved): Create unit test code for 1.9 additions
Areas that need test code include (but are not limited to):
Properties configuration
Database updates
New utilit...
Michael Daigle
09:16 AM Metacat Bug #3380 (Resolved): Create LSID server installation
Create the LSID server installation for 1.9. Need to decide whether that server will stay an ANT install for 1.9 or ... Michael Daigle
09:06 AM Metacat Bug #3379 (Resolved): Test ecogrid in turnkey installation
Make sure ecogrid works completely in turnkey installation. Michael Daigle
09:04 AM Metacat Bug #3378 (Resolved): Test turnkey installation against Tomcat 6
Make sure all code works against tomcat version 5 and 6. Michael Daigle
09:02 AM Metacat Bug #3377 (Resolved): Create ANT install target for developers
The ANT install targets will go away for 1.9 since the install will be handled by a utility that will drop a war file... Michael Daigle
08:59 AM Metacat Bug #3376 (Resolved): Add DB upgrade/install functionality to java code
Add the ability for db upgrade scripts to be run from within java. This will allow control of the db upgrade from wi... Michael Daigle
08:55 AM Metacat Bug #3375 (Resolved): Create a sorted properties utility
Create a class that will handle standard properties, but will maintain comments, spaces and property order. Michael Daigle
08:53 AM Metacat Bug #3374 (Resolved): Add authentication for configuration utility
The configuration utility should only be available via LDAP authentication of administrative users. The exception to... Michael Daigle
08:50 AM Metacat Bug #3373 (Resolved): Create skin specific configuration utility
Skins need to be configurable on an individual basis. The existing (new for 1.9) configuration utility needs to be m... Michael Daigle
08:47 AM Metacat Bug #3372 (Resolved): Integrate perl token replacement changes into token_replacement branch
Shaun made the perl token replacement changed for 1.9. These changes may affect the token replacement changes made i... Michael Daigle
08:45 AM Metacat Bug #3371 (Resolved): Modify confguration utility in metacat
To facilitate the turnkey installer, the internal metacat configuration utility that Matt J created must be upgraded. Michael Daigle
08:41 AM Metacat Bug #3370 (Resolved): Merge token replacement code onto HEAD
All 1.9 token replacement code has taken place on the token_replacement branch so far. Now that 1.8.1 has been relea... Michael Daigle

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