


jianwu jianwu's activity

From 10/25/2012 to 11/23/2012


01:37 PM Kepler Bug #5745 (Resolved): "./ -runwf -nogui -nocache workflow.xml" has error message after execution.
I saw the same message at mac and linux:
rm -rf ~/.kepler; ./ -runwf -nogui -nocache outreach/workflows/dem...
jianwu jianwu
01:33 PM Kepler Bug #5397: "./ -runwf -nogui workflow.xml" doestn't work if the user is logged out on Mac
I still see the similar error message at Kepler trunk. Re-opening...
./ -runwf -nogui -nocache outreach/wor...
jianwu jianwu


05:58 PM Kepler Bug #5625: create kepler documentation for 2.4
Dan and I created user manual documentation 2.4 at kepler doc trunk r1412. jianwu jianwu


04:36 PM Kepler Bug #5669: replace ProjectLocator.findKeplerModulesDir() with something more robust.
With changes in r31074, the kepler dir is set based on build.xml location. It won't start searching from ant.jar anym... jianwu jianwu
04:03 PM Kepler Bug #5669: replace ProjectLocator.findKeplerModulesDir() with something more robust.
I tried today (r31073) on linux to use 'ant run' at another directory, such as: ant -f ~/kepler/repository/kepler-tru... jianwu jianwu


05:25 PM Kepler Bug #5485: standalone Module Manager can break Kepler app ability to startup
Hi Derik,
Did you test Dan's update? Please update its status. Thanks.
jianwu jianwu
05:21 PM Kepler Bug #5598: parameters appear as white boxes instead of dots
Hi Sean,
Any updates on this bug and bug 5266?
jianwu jianwu

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