Bug #1009
closedProblem with non-ascii characters
One of the students entering data added a bounding geographic lat/long value as
deg/minutes/seconds, using the special PC character for degrees. This is not the
format described for lat/long (one should use fractional degrees), but the use
of the special degree character (which has a character code above 127) results
in a UTF-8 error of 'illegal one character unicode character' when the saved
data is parsed.
It is not clear just where the problem occurs. The degree symbol is in the data
that is successfully submitted to metacat, but problems occur later when
editing. (Maybe the problem is with Xalan?)
Related issues
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 22 years ago
- Bug 1015 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 22 years ago
The problem was traced to Windows characters outside the normal ASCII range
pasted into Morpho fields. The characters have the upper bit set (i.e. are in
the range of 128-255).
The fix was to change the 'normaize()' method which is used to check for illegal
XML characters in many places withn Morpho. This method replaces illegal
characters like '&' with entities like %amp; The method checks for characters
with code greater than 127 and replaces the text with equivalent entities.
Note that the 'normalize()' method was defined in 8 places within Morpho! A new
utility class (XMLUtil) was created and used in the various other classes.