Bug #1056
closedXQuery research: processors, SQL translators, XQuery examples
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Research the pros and cons of using XQuery as a standard language for query
specs in EcoGrid.
Who: Peter, Bing, Jing
Target date: May 26
Updated by Peter McCartney over 21 years ago
OK, Based on the the conference call of 6/16/03, I think we've agreed to put
this off untill later in the project. The argument was that by the time we
reduced the XQuery syntax down to a level of complexity for which we can
reasonably write processors now, we dont have much more than what we had with
the filter query syntax worked out in Seattle (query.xsd).
Implications are that we give up any syntax for defining the return object as
part of the query request. This functionality might be provided in a separate
retrieve request.