Bug #1155
closedDocumentation incorrect for dateTimeDomainType bounds
within dateTimeDomainType (eg see
timeDomain), the documentation for the bounds/minimum and bounds/maximum
elements is incorrect - it is currently the same documentation as for
interval/numericDomain/bounds, which defines the min and max as numerical
values. However, this is not appropriate for datetime, since the bounds can
contain alphanumeric characters, not just numeric.
Note that the schema is correct - alphanumeric datetime bounds are validated
OK - it appears to be just th edocumentation that's wrong.
Updated by Matt Jones over 21 years ago
Created a new group called BoundsDateGroup that allows the documentation and
model to be different for date bounds than for numeric bounds. Now the date
bounds are documented properly, and numeric bounds must be numbers (xsd:decimal)
rather than strings (while date bounds are still string values).