



Bug #1200


redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire

Added by Matthew Brooke over 21 years ago. Updated about 21 years ago.

morpho - general
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redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
example (only an example - needs work!):

1) "do you want to actually include your data in this package or not?"

...then next question appears:

if no -> "even though you don't want to include it, do you want us to look at a data file and
get info, or just enter by hand?"


Actions #1

Updated by Matthew Brooke over 21 years ago

forgot to add - will do this as an image mockup for speed

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones about 21 years ago

Here's some candidate text for these questions:

1) Radio button with two choices, first is selected:
1a) Include data file itself in package along with the description
1b) Omit the data file from the package, only include a description

2) Another radio button, two choices, but choice are dependent on answer to
questions 1. Here are the two sets:
If they chose 1a:
2a) Import data file and extract metadata for review
2b) Import data file but enter metadata manually

If they chose 1b:
2c) Extract metadata from data file (still omitting data file from package)
2d) Enter metadata manually

In all of cases 2a) 2b) and 2c) we'll need a button that brings up a file
chooser that allows the person to select the data file.

We need some descriptive text at the top that indicates how this whole thing
works, and also what the limits are for automatic metadata extraction. This
might go something like this (although the text I'm providing here is probably
too verbose, but we'll see):

Data Table Information:

This wizard allows you to describe and optionally include a data table in your
data package. For certain types of data files, the wizard can extract much of
the metadata needed from the data file itself, making it easier to describe the
data table. If you choose this option, you will be prompted to review the
metadata that is extracted and provide any required fields that can not be
automatically generated for each column. You can also choose to manually enter
all of the required fields (rather than using the metadata extractor), which is
useful for proprietary file types like Excel or file types we don't yet support
for extraction.

Finally, we might consider giving the user the option of storing the data inline
in the eml or as a separate object. I think the separate object should be the
default. It also confuses the issue, as most users won't know which to choose.
So maybe we could make it a global option in Morpho (in Morpho Preferences
dialog) that lets the user choose to create inline data objects for new data
packages if the metadata standard supports it. Here's a candidate checkbox
option (default unchecked):
_ |_| Store data inline in metadata if possible for new data packages

Matthew -- let me know what you think of this text. Just a first draft.

Actions #3

Updated by Matthew Brooke about 21 years ago

done in 1.5alpha1 release

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1200


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