Bug #1254
closedTemporal Information Wizard Page for entering Temporal data
This page is used for entering temporal information. Hence in terms of EML, the
following enteries
Begin Date - dataset/coverage/temporalCoverage/rangeofDates/beginDate
End Date - dataset/coverage/temporalCoverage/rangeofDates/endDate
Begin Date - dataset/coverage/temporalCoverage/singleDateTime
Eric and Christy's comments say that the date field should be a series of
dropdown boxes to eliminate user input errors and keep dates in one format.
Also they suggest the ability to add information about time gaps in data
collected. For example, the dataset goes from 1980-1995 but one variable was
only collected from 1982-1990.
I discussed this with Dan and Matthew. Following can be done. A common temporal
coverage page can be made. This page can be called from DPW for adding temporal
coverage information at the package level. This page can also be called from TIW
to add temporal coverage information at dataset level or attribute level.
But this might make things confusing.
Alternatively, menu items can be added to add temporal information on different
Updated by Matt Jones about 21 years ago
One note. Temporal coverage in EML was designed specifically to allow
discontinuous ranges, and we should support that in our interface. That will
deal with Eric and Christy's need to describe gaps. This means the user will
need to be able to add multiple datetime points and ranges to a list, rather
than just a single begindate/enddate pair. So, for example, our interface
should support this kind of output for temporal coverage:
Nov 1925 - Aug 1927
This is all one coverage entry with discontinuous ranges.
Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago
A Temporal screen was added. Everything works fine. When eml2.0.1 comes out,
calendarToString() in TemporalPage.java needs to be updated.