



Bug #1323


Registry: Need to check that all entry fields do not include any <, > and other characters

Added by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago. Updated about 20 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I think all the following errors reportd by Andrea and Rick happened because of
the fields that we dont check.

1. After filling in all required info (and some fields that were not required),
I clicked submit entry, got the summary page, entered my username and password,
and clicked the button that says I don’t want to change anything. I then
received this error message:
An error occurred. Most likely some required fields were missing. Please check
the list of errors below and return to the previous form to fill in all
required fields and submit the form again.
• Error running xpath
expression: //dateTimeDomain|//nonNumericDomain|//numericDomain|//access|//attri
ence|//spatialVector|//storedProcedure|//view|//protocol|//additionalMetadata :
XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
Thankfully this time when I returned to edit the page all of my entries were
still there. But, I was stuck and unable to complete the submittal of the
metadata (since I didn’t know what the problem was).

2. When entering the metadata in the file ‘/nceas-wg-metadata/decaf/aust-
phenandphys-dataset.xml’, the software generated a ‘Failure’ screen and raised
the following error: ‘error returning xpath: expression //dateTimeDomain. . .
<long attribute path>../AdditionalMetatdata XML document structures must start
and end with the same entity’. The error was fatal in that the metadata was not
entered into the database. All required fields have been entered, and there are
no visible errors in any of the data input fields when I saved the data. I have
replicated this error four times over two days and have been so far unable to
save this metadata to the repository.
Note: I have traced this defect to placement of ‘<’,’>’, or ‘&’ character
appearing in one of the following text entry field: Data Set Title,
Organization Name, Abstract, and Geographic Description fields. Other free-text
data fields may present the sampe problem.

Related issues

Is duplicate of Metacat - Bug #1485: Trouble in entering data in NRS ...ResolvedSaurabh Garg04/13/2004

Actions #1

Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago

From Rick's email:

Karl Cottenie created this metadata entry, which will display in the
View(er) but
not in the Edit(or). Opening up the Original XML file also fails, I
think, due to
an obscure alphanumeric character (the micron symbol). Karl is using a
based browser. I have tried both IE and Netscape, both of which fail on

Actions #2

Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago

I think I fixed most of the cases. But then Marc Meyer reported to be having a
problem. So I need to check again. Though the symptoms are different this time.

Actions #3

Updated by Andrea Andrea about 20 years ago

I tested for part 2 of this bug on 12/7/04 and it is still present. The
following illegal characters cause the indicated problems. Either the
characters need to be acceptable by the registry, or there needs to be some
explicit indication to the user that these specific characters are not allowed
BEFORE they attempt to use them.

" typed in causes a failure and an error message that says "null". when you go
back to edit, all the text after the " character is lost

" pasted in (from Word) makes the DR entry un-editable and un-deletable (unless
you use Morpho), but it is still viewable

' typed in causes no problems

' pasted in makes the DR entry un-editable and un-deletable (unless you use
Morpho), but it is still viewable

% always causes a failure, and an error message that says "null"

<, >, and $ cause no problems

Actions #4

Updated by Saurabh Garg about 20 years ago

  • Bug 1485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Actions #5

Updated by Saurabh Garg about 20 years ago

Made changes to take care of %. Not able to reproduce ' or " problems. Maybe %
changes took care of it. Andrea, can you please check again to confirm. Thanks.

Actions #6

Updated by Saurabh Garg about 20 years ago

Not able to reproduce after the fix. Hence, closing the bug.

Actions #7

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1323


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