Bug #1441
closedDPW forgets temporal and geo information after hitting back button
In the geographic and temporal coverage panels of the package wizard, if you hit
the back button, the information is deleted and not included in the created
package. if you never hit the back button, the information is still included in
the created package.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 21 years ago
this also seems to happen with the owners panel (step 5). i think the reason is
different though. This occurs when you go back to a panel before step 5, the go
foward again into step 5. the list is blanked out and you are immediately shown
the dialog to add a new contact. i think the logic just needs to be altered to
check if there is already an entry in the list and if there is, don't
auto-display the new contact dialog. (note that this also happens in step 6
which has similar behavior).
Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 21 years ago
fixed for party panels (owner & contact). Fix was in WizardContainerFrame.java, so may also have fixed
similar problems with some other pages, although Temporal page had some reset functions in
onLoadAction, which I believe Dan is fixing
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago
temporal and geographic pages fixed (Dan Higgins)