Bug #2068
closedError while building actor tree with PT CVS version
If you are using the CVS version of Ptolemy (rather than 4.0.1 release), a
number of error message flash by when a new Kepler window is created. The error
message is something like:
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException: Problem cloning 'startTrigger'
but if you look further at the output, you will see something like
[java] Caused by: ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: Could not
find a port named 'startTrigger' or 'startTriggerPort'. This can occur when the
name of the variable does not match the name passed to the constructor of the actor.
[java] Right:
[java] startTrigger = new TypedIOPort(this, "startTrigger", true, false);
[java] Right:
[java] startTrigger = new TypedIOPort(this, "startTriggerPort", true,
[java] Wrong:
[java] startTrigger = new TypedIOPort(this, "foo", true, false);
[java] in .configuration.actor library.Web Service
The problem is apparently that the variable name assigned to a new TypedIOPort
does not agree with the string name parameter ! i.e. in the GarpAlgorithm actor
the was a statement
public TypedIOPort cellSetFilename = new TypedIOPort(this, "cellSetFileName",
true, false);
Note that 'cellSetFilename'is not identical with "cellSetFileName" ('n' vs 'N')
If you change the string parameter to agree with the variabl name, the error
message disappears.
I don't know why this problem only appears with PTII/CVS. Something in the
introspection that builds the actor tree looks at the varible which does not
agree with the string name?
This is not just a problem with error output. Although Kepler will keep running,
any actor where this problem occurs will NOT be added to the tree!
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 20 years ago
Using the new Ptolemy release (5beta) fixes this problem.