Bug #2125
openCannot define SOM map projection in spatialRaster element of EML2.0.1
I am having trouble defining the Space Oblique Mercator map projection
in the spatialRaster subtree of EML. The problem is unique to the SOM
(any oblique map projection, for that matter) projection - the SOM does
not use a prime meridian in the usual sense (i.e., it is fixed to the
flight path of the Landsat satellite, not a geographic coordinate system).
Since EML requires the primeMeridian-longitude and unit-name attributes
to be strictly defined, the document will not validate. Is there a
recommendation from the EML community for how to deal with this issue,
perhaps making the aforementioned attributes optional?
I have included below an example of how I would define this projection.
1. The SOM projection does not appear to be common in the remote
sensing world other than EOSAT/Landsat/IRS formats. Unfortunately, we have
much data in this projection.
2. FGDC has a separate element for this projection in their schema.
Actually, FGDC has a separate element for each major projection definition.
<horizCoordSysDef name="SOM">
<spheroid name="International_1909" semiAxisMajor="6378388"
<primeMeridian longitude=""/>
<unit name="">
<parameter name="Landsat_Number" value="5"/>
<parameter name="Landsat_Path" value="36"/>
<parameter name="False_Easting" value="0"/>
<parameter name="False_Northing" value="0"/>
<unit name="meter">
Related issues
Updated by Margaret O'Brien over 16 years ago
targeting for 2.1.0, although may drop back to unspecified.
Updated by Margaret O'Brien over 16 years ago
Generally, these projections are not frequently used in EML. The resolution of this bug will be incorporated into a larger effort (bug #3502) that concerns spatial data in general.