Bug #2139
mollusc -> R -> plot WF for examples and documentation uses
Added by Chad Berkley over 19 years ago.
Updated over 17 years ago.
We need a simple R workflow for use in examples and documentation. This may
already be built and simply needs to be updated for ease of use.
The mollus workflow that uses GCE mollusc data and then plots it in R could be
expanded to be a bit more realistic, and documented well for the tutorials.
There is now documentation for using the RExpression actor (in Kepler-docs/user/R_Actor_userdoc_draft.doc) that uses the GCE data, but from a local file rather than the ecogrid (due to problems with the ecogrid version which have now been fixed). Should be updated.
R workflow is now in the Getting Started Guide
This specific bug seems fixed.
Original Bugzilla ID was 2139
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