Bug #2190
Metacat Spatial Option Admin Page
Added by John Harris over 19 years ago.
Updated almost 12 years ago.
The Metacat Spatial Option needs an admin page so that the Metcat administrator
can administer the configuration of the spatial options. The admin page should
upload GIS elements (georef'd images, shapefiles etc..)
set which elements should be available to end-user
set projections
set the geographic presentation info to be displayed (scale bars, titles etc..)
An ambitious goal, one that would overlap greatly with what the geoserver team has already accomplished. They have had dozens of developers working on exactly this issue for years and it would be almost foolish to reinvent the wheel.
See also bug 2180
I can see a metacat spatial admin page that picks up where geoserver leaves off:
1. Allow you to pick different html display templates. Some could have scale bars, coordinate display, locatator maps, etc. Some could be just a plain map with zoomin/zoomout/query. There is no technology currently available that could allow the template itself to be configured via a web interface but we could certainly present a range of template options to cover a wide variety of needs.
2. Allow adding of external WMS layers and layers already configured on the local geoserver.
3. Allows setting the initial geographic extent.
4. Allows certain users to trigger a re-harvesting of the spatial dataset (?) Currently this only happens when the servlet restarts.
We expose all of Geoserver as a standalone webapp that can be customized to the sky. This was done as part of the 2.0.0 release (I beleive).
Original Bugzilla ID was 2190
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