Bug #2256
closedActor selection problem inside some Composites
This is a strange one!
How to observe the problem:
1) Open the GARP_Single_Species_BestRuleSet.xml workflow (#19 in ENM_Workflows
html page)
2) Look inside the 'Iterate ENM Calculation' composite
3) Look inside the 'V - Calculate Omission/Commission' composite in the screen
opened in 2)
4) Inside the 'Calculate Omission/Commission' window, find the Expression actor
which contains "DataDirectory+"/RuleSet"+cnt+".xml". Right clisk on the right
hand corner of this actor and a popup menu is displayed as expected.
However, if you right-click on the left corner, a NullPointerException occurs
in the AnnotatedPTree.notifyComponentDrop object!
It looks like none of the actors in the lower left of the screen are responding
properly to right click events. (In fact, the errors look like it thinks the
events are happening in the actor tree rather than the graph pane.)
Updated by Matthew Brooke about 19 years ago
tried under winXP with the new SVG icons (Batik rendering), and this looks like
it's no longer an issue