Bug #237
closedexclude old revisions of packages from results display
Need mechanism for not showing old revisions of data packages in the morpho
result set pane.
The second and third options are not mutually exclusive. It would actually be
pretty easy to maintain a running data structure that determines if two docs
have the same id except for revision, and only show the most recent. I think we
should pursue this approach, and not separate the archive unless needed.
Higgins' original message
Chad and I were discussing the problem of what to do with previous
versions of revised local documents in Morpho (i.e. 3.1 when you revise
it and create 3.2)
1) do nothing (current) - then old versions show up in result set tables
--- confusing
2) leave docs in data folder but filter in result set - requires looking
at all rows in resultset and finding most current
3) move older version out of data folder to a 'archive' folder
automatically when revision is created.
What are your thoughts?
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Created a new class called "HeadResultSet" that extends ResultSet, the
difference being that it collapses the result records so that only the most
recent revision of a given document is displayed as part of the result set.
Works, but there is a bug with refreshing the display in ResultPanel -- it
doesn't consistently show the new revision when you hit "Refresh". Plus, it
should refresh automatically (hitting refresh shouldn't be necessary).
Updated by Chad Berkley about 23 years ago
the result frame still doesn't refresh automatically but this is described in
another bug.