



Bug #238


query performance

Added by Matt Jones over 23 years ago. Updated about 22 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Metacat has horrible query performance, and we need to fix it. It can take as
much as 8 or 9 seconds to search a few megabytes of XML. See the Internet
Computing paper on metacat for performance details. Dan has shown that an in
memory hash table in Java outperforms metacat by a substantial margin. So, to
fix this bug we need to:

1) determine why performance is so bad in metacat
2) design and implement an alternative solution

Related issues

Blocked by Metacat - Bug #193: evaluate recursive search performanceResolvedJing Tao04/09/2001

Actions #1

Updated by Jing Tao almost 23 years ago

If user want put '%' in the search value like this way:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM
xml_documents WHERE docid IN ((SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE
UPPER LIKE '%%%' ))

The query will be changed to:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM xml_documents

We hope this can improve performance. The result is:
In metacat: former took 58.74 second. Latter took 53.95 seconds.

In sqlplus former took 00:01:36:43, Latter took 00:01:26.25

The reseaon for so long is there are 10022 documents returned.
There is a small improvement. I am not sure if we need to check in the file to

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago

Added myself back as QA contact. It should not have been removed in the first

Actions #3

Updated by Jing Tao almost 23 years ago

During playing query performance, it is found that more time will take, if the
result set is bigger. So performance will bad if huge result will be got.

So if we just query subset of result at one time rather than whole result set,
the performance will be improved.

There are two ways to handle the subset result:
1: Cache them into memory and send it to client when they are required. This
way will invole lots of session managment.
2: Just open a outstream, keep adding the subset set result into stream and
send it to client.( Dan's idea).

Actions #4

Updated by Jing Tao over 22 years ago

Just now I played with page. It will
send a query:

SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM
xml_documents WHERE docid IN ((SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE
UPPER LIKE '%%%' ))

to metacat in knb and get a doclist. The total time is 56 seconds ( measured
by my watch) to get the doc list page.

But in sqlplus, I typed the query and it took 7.91 seconds to get the

So from this point, query time is only small part of time consuming process.
We need to figure out which take most of time.

Actions #5

Updated by Jing Tao over 22 years ago

By carefully measured the time consumming in search action, it is found that
the most time consuming process is permission checking. In findDocument in
DBQuery class, there are two times permission checking, the first time is
checking for the doc gotted by running query in xml_documents. The second one
is for the docs get by running extened query. Actually, extended query is
based on the docid list which got from first query. So second checking is
redundant. We can delete it.

Here is a example:
permission checking time Total time(seconds) document number in result set
2 17 43
1 13(or 12) 43
0 3 45

From this table, we can see the permission checking is the main control. In
Metacat, persmission check in base on single docid, so it is easy to explain
why it took a long time when return a big set of documents.

From the printing result, it is known that to a single docid, the longest
permission checking time is about 150 milli seconds, the shortest is 8 milli
seconds, the most common is 40 -50 milli seconds. Currently there are 2219
docids in KNB site. We can imagine it would take a long time to run % search.

Actions #6

Updated by Jing Tao over 22 years ago

Matt's idea that we don't check permission by Java code and directly select
doicd from xml_access is very good.

The search query looks like:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM
xml_documents WHERE docid IN ((((SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE
UPPER LIKE '%%%' ))))

If we intersect the docids which user has permssion, this will be very helpful.
Here is my idea:
1, The first part that user has permission is:
onwer's docid and it can be done by select docid from xml_documents table.
2, The second part that user has permission is from xml_access table:
If a user (including group and public) has a permission to read a docid, it
should have:
A. An allow rule.
B. Doesn't have a deny rule and perm_order is "allow" first.
So second part will look like:
docid in (select docid where perm_type = 'allow' and principal_name = '...')
AND docid not in (select docid where perm_type ='deny and principal_name='...'
and perm_order ='allowFirst')

Union the two parts for permission and then intersect them to oringal query,
we can get the result.

Here is a query example:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM
xml_documents WHERE docid IN ((((SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE
UPPER LIKE '%%%' ))))
(docid IN(SELECT docid FROM xml_documents WHERE user_owner ='public' OR
user_owner ='uid=jtao,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org')
(docid IN (SELECT docid from xml_access
WHERE (principal_name = 'uid=jtao,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org' AND
perm_type = 'allow')OR (principal_name = 'public' AND perm_type = 'allow'))
AND docid NOT IN (SELECT docid
from xml_access WHERE (principal_name =
'uid=jtao,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org' AND perm_type = 'deny' AND
perm_order ='allowFirst')OR (principal_name = 'public' AND perm_type = 'deny'
AND perm_order ='allowFirst'))))

Here is result for % search query:

Return packages time for old check(sec) time for new check(sec)
51 16 2
51 15 3
51 16 3

Comments and suggestions?

Actions #7

Updated by Jing Tao about 22 years ago

In production metacat, do a percentage search it now take about 20 seconds
rather than 150 seconds.

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 238


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