From 03/17/2002 to 04/15/2002
- 06:04 PM Revision 1011 (metacat): Fixed the getall didn't work. Now local host can insert or update documents from remote host.
- But still there some problem on force replcation.
- 06:01 PM Revision 1010 (metacat): Adding a variable "context " here.
- 06:01 PM Revision 1009 (metacat): Adding a new token "context" in it.
- 01:53 PM Revision 1008 (metacat): Token for the server is changed to correct one.
- 10:05 AM Bug #238: query performance
- During playing query performance, it is found that more time will take, if the
result set is bigger. So performance ...
- 11:25 AM Bug #468 (Resolved): TLS between ldap server and metacat
- We already figured out hwo connect metacat with client. But we still need
metacat connect ldap server throught TSL.... - 08:35 AM Revision 1006 (metacat): Fixed getGroup method return a exception and cause authenticate failed.
- 12:18 AM Revision 1005 (metacat): Fixed the getIdentifyingName() sub so that it properly looks up someones
- DN if passed in a DN that is an alias. This is mainly important for
sites like PISCO that use a different root to th...
- 10:04 PM Revision 1004 (metacat): Some changes for pisco.
- 04:08 PM Revision 1003 (metacat): updated some spelling and grammar errors
- 03:51 PM Revision 1002 (metacat): turned debug off for the release
- 03:18 PM Revision 1001 (metacat): hopefully fixed the connection closed error.
- 02:09 PM Revision 1000 (metacat): fixed groups error, I hope.
- 11:21 AM Revision 999 (metacat): Removed obsoleted marine files. See the new "marine" module for
- relevant copies of these files.
- 11:06 AM Revision 998 (metacat): New stylesheet that is specific to the KNB website.
- 08:58 AM Revision 997 (metacat): replaced with @server@ in the marine index file
- 08:38 AM Revision 996 (metacat): changed some values for the release
- 08:34 AM Revision 995 (metacat): changed some values for the release
- 08:34 AM Bug #465: Data diretory
- The bug was fixed. In build.xml file, during installation a mkdir and chmod
were used. A variable of data dir was us... - 08:32 AM Revision 994 (metacat): updated data directory note
- 08:27 AM Revision 993 (metacat): When Metacat installed, it can automatically create data directory for data file.
- 01:12 PM Bug #466 (Resolved): Create a JUnit class for Metacat action
- We need a JUnit class for testing the action of metacat. These actions insert,
update, delete, with valid, invalid,... - 09:08 AM Revision 992 (metacat): updated build file. fixed the dist target so it doesn't copy the build directory into the distro.
- 08:31 AM Revision 991 (metacat): fixed auth bug
- 02:23 PM Revision 990 (metacat): Adding a note for user. The user should make a directory under 'webapps/context/'.
- The user should have write permission for this directory.
- 02:21 PM Bug #465 (Resolved): Data diretory
- Now if the Metacat doesn't have permssion, it could not create the data
direcotry automaticly. Uer should create th... - 11:36 AM Revision 989 (metacat): updated for 1.1.0
- 11:12 AM Revision 988 (metacat): Update the install instruction.
- 10:39 AM Revision 987 (metacat): changed version number from 1.1 to 1.1.0
- 10:38 AM Revision 986 (metacat): changed version number from 1.1 to 1.1.0
- 10:21 AM Revision 985 (metacat): fixed some things for release 1.1
- 10:18 AM Revision 984 (metacat): fixed some things for release 1.1
- 09:55 AM Revision 983 (metacat): Change description for access control in readme file from "aplly" to "not aplly".
- 09:42 AM Revision 982 (metacat): changed some minor points in the readme.
- 09:28 AM Revision 981 (metacat): Update README for 1.1 release.
- 04:54 PM Bug #457 (Resolved): Bug in replciation
- When I went to epsilon and (I tried
both http and https )
It can update ... - 04:16 PM Bug #272: install production root LDAP server
- The root ldap server works fine. This bug need not have been reopened. The
referral to the lter server has been chan... - 03:47 PM Bug #160: need resource restriction capability
- Consolidating products to those we actually are maintaining.
- 03:47 PM Bug #137: need admin client for managing SRB systems
- Consolidating products to those we actually are maintaining.
- 03:47 PM Bug #152: Port SRB1_1_8 changes to Linux x86
- Consolidating products to those we actually are maintaining.
- 03:47 PM Bug #35: SRB RMI server doesn't authenticate after first connection
- Consolidating products to those we actually are maintaining.
- 10:42 AM Bug #452: Configure ssl in dev and ecoinfo
- 6.b Put the public of Apache into default keystore of Java:
If Metacat cmmiunicate to Apache server by https, for exa...
- 09:17 PM Bug #452: Configure ssl in dev and ecoinfo
- 1. Enable Apache over ssl:
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.cof file, comment every <ifdef have_ssl>
2. Restart Apache:
/et... - 11:00 AM Bug #452 (Resolved): Configure ssl in dev and ecoinfo
- We already configured ssl in local machine (Tomcat standalone). Now we need to
configure dev and ecoinfo. But in th... - 10:57 AM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- Tomcat standalone was successfully configured to support ssl. But in the dev
and ecoinfo, apache is web server. Ther... - 10:43 AM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- When we create the keys by keytool. If it is selfsinged, we should put the
first name and last name as server's name...
- 02:56 PM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- I aked Colby to copy the tomcat file to /etc/rc.d/init.d directory in ecoinfo.
- 07:57 PM Bug #404: Create "CNAMEs" for LTER metcat and ldap
- Check your name server setting - Space has not been updating DNS properly. It's
on the list.
James - 01:15 PM Bug #404: Create "CNAMEs" for LTER metcat and ldap
- I tried pinging, and and got the
Z:\>ping meta... - 06:35 PM Revision 979 (metacat): Change every "http://@server@ to "@systemidserver@". It will look like:
- INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
VALUES ('DTD', '-// - 06:34 PM Revision 978 (metacat): Change every "http://@server@" in target to "@systemidserver@". It will look
- like that:
publicid="-//W3C//HTML//EN">@systemidserver@@style-path@/resultset.xsl</target> - 06:34 PM Revision 977 (metacat): Add a property named systemidserver, its value="http://host.domainname:8080"
- Add a token named systemidserver too.
- 04:50 PM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- In my local machine, I cancel the changes in and got an copy the
file tomcat from /etc/rc.d/init.d in dev.... - 01:44 PM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- Great. A note about TOMCAT_OPTS. We should not be editing the file.
It is not needed. I was able to do ... - 01:38 PM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- Here is how we configured Tomcat standalone as both web server and servlet
1. Download and install JSSE
- 10:34 AM Bug #449: Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- Just now I read a web site:
It is said, if Tom...
- 01:27 PM Bug #449 (Resolved): Enable ssl for metacat and morpho
- Now communication between Metacat and Morpho uses plain text. In order to
increase security, we want to enable SSL.
- 02:27 PM Bug #445: getprincipals action not working
- This bug was fixed and now we can get "all users and groups in the
current authentication schema" when a getprincipal... - 02:24 PM Revision 976 (metacat): Method getGourps was revised. Attributes variables were set there. Other wise, when it caught a referral exception and started a thread, this will caused a exception problem. When string array groups were returned by method getGroups in getPrincipals method, we should check if the groups is null or not. Otherwise it will cause a exception problem. This revise is for bug 445.
- 07:23 PM Bug #238: query performance
- Added myself back as QA contact. It should not have been removed in the first
place. - 05:31 PM Bug #238: query performance
- If user want put '%' in the search value like this way:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev ...
- 04:27 PM Bug #445 (Resolved): getprincipals action not working
- The getprincipals action, which is supposed to "Get all users and groups in the
current authentication schema" is ap...
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