Bug #244
closedneed refresh mechanism for query screen
The query result screen needs to be able to handle a refresh command from other
plugins. This will allow the package editor/wizard (or other future plugins) to
call a refresh when it makes changes to the document base.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
FIXED. Before, when some editing and metadata addition operations were
performed, the query results window dod not properly refresh, so the user was
left with a reference to an out-of-date package. A new ServiceProvider
implements the new QueryRefreshInterface which allows any class that is making
modifications to a package to notify the "My Data" window that it should
refresh. Had to patch the PackageWizard to catch creation of new packages, and
the AddMetadataWizard to catch the addition of new metadata documents, and the
various "editingCompleted" method calls in order to catch changes to existing
metadata documents. The QueryPlugin implements this service.