Bug #2458
closedSearch problems with multiple actor ontologies
In the Beta1 release, there are several actor ontologies that appear in the actor tree, including: 'Kepler Actor Ontology', 'Component Ontology', 'Project Ontology', etc. Previously, we had only the 'Kepler Actor Ontology'. Configuration is in $KEPLER\configs\ptolemy\configs\kepler\ontologies\ontology_catalog.xml.
With this set up, there is a 'java.lang.ClassCastException' that occurs if one searches for 'constant'. However, if one goes in and edits 'ontolgy_catalog.xml' to turn off the 'Kepler Actor Ontology', a search for 'constant' works OK! (note that actors in the 'Component Ontology' are duplicates of the ones in the 'Kepler Actor Ontology' but organized differently!
I thus suspect that there is a search problem that is due to the existence of 'constant' actor is both ontologies.