Bug #2517
closedCharset bug: > "less than" symbol does not display correctly
The < "less than" symbol does not display correctly. It displays as < in the data repository. When using Morpho it looks correct but than when viewing the data package Online the < is displayed instead. I think this is a problem with the > symbol too.
I've been typing in the text "less than" and "greater than" for a workaround but it would be good to get this solved.
Updated by Matt Jones over 18 years ago
Inigo San Gil also reports a related issue:
My valid EML file
(http://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/data/emlFiles/pl00e001.xml) has the
following line (content):
|Field|Plot|Ntrt|NitrAdd|Date|Taxon|Species |Biomass |Prop <== Labels
However, once harvested, the metacat link to the document
has that same line slightly changed to: |Field|Plot|Ntrt|NitrAdd|Date|Taxon|Species |Biomass |Prop <== Labels
Note: the original entity character "<" has been translated to its
corresponding literal char, "<".
Needles to say, the resulting XML is not well formed.
Any way to correct this easily?
Updated by Jing Tao about 17 years ago
This bug has been fixed (base on callie's testing). Here are somethings i did:
1)Use ServletOutputSteam to replace PrintWriter to send response of read and query actions. So Java wouldn't encode the special characters.
2)Fix a bug in normalize method in MetacatUtil class - it will encode special characters.
3)Fix a similar bug in normalize subroute in register-dataset.cgi.