Bug #2662
openUnfolding: Project 64 (Brunswick Co. NC): 88 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Imported into version 2.1.0 of the entry tool.
56 errors found in the new entry tool with this data.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
I resolved 3 errors associated with species list and "sp." in the "unknown sp." line. 8 errors are due to plot lacking X-axis bearing. If these aren't in the datasheets, they will never be known, I fear, as it's hard to remember that. Not a significant error in any case.
This leaves 43 errors.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
of the 43 errors, only 8 are not dealing with a plot that has no trees. The database flags these as errors, but likely none of these plots has errors.
8 errors remain:
1) 064-01-0950 lacks height definitions for strata: make some up?
2) 064-01-0951 has only one stratum (herb) but no height definitions: easy to make some up, I'd think. It's a Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Depression Pondshore.
3) fixed issue of entry: strata were listed, but no values filled in got flagged
4) 064-04-0960 had 3 species, but no plot-subSapl or plot-subTree was set: probably 100% can be filled in for them. It's not dense; no need to subsample.
5) 064-04-0971 had intensive modules 1,2 and 3, but module 3 showed no species present- I think it was skipped b/c it's a 3 module plot and has an R module. So 3 should be deleted and R is just module 3.
6) entry issue with strata once again, resolved.
7) 064-02-0960 has no total cover % estimated for strata: just ignore this.
8) 064-08-0954 has Morella cerifera present in module 3 and R module, too. Forbes could check the original datasheet to see if there is an explanation. IF not, we could just remove its presence in R.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Now just 2 issues left:
a) whether or not to make up stratum definitions where lacking (2 plots). MTL leans toward leaving null.
b) making sure the present in module 3 and R module is not a missing species occurrence.
Updated by Forbes Boyle over 17 years ago
(In reply to comment #4)
Now just 2 issues left:
a) whether or not to make up stratum definitions where lacking (2 plots). MTL
leans toward leaving null.
b) making sure the present in module 3 and R module is not a missing species
Morella cerifera is present in module 3, and there is NOT a missing species for the R module---simply a data entry mishap. FB
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Now everything is resolved for project 64. Excel spreadsheets also updated on Bioark\Peetlab\CVS
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
cleaned up new species added a bit. Some fields weren't used well, other species were added as duplicates.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Additional problems:
plot 064-09-0960 has no communities linked into it, but two classification attempts, it would appear, one with Fair fit and low Confidence, the next with Good fit and Medium confidence. What community names were listed? None listed in the notes section.
Working on unfolded these data.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Lots of duplicates, unfortunately. 20 in herbs and 33 lines in trees, the most offensive plot being 4-972, which looks like a dense plots with Cyrilla racemiflora and Gordonia lasianthus.
Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago
milestone revamping requires moving bugs to milestones that are in the future
Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not currently working on.