We need for orange and green check boxes by the maps, a generic category for the many possible small but important literature sources.
We also need a mechanism (on the admin panel) for adding county records from literature, aong with teh conept applied and the quality (color) of the record.
Literature sources will be seen when a county is clicked, and the ref_simple display should be able to be clicked for the ref_full display.
For the present we will not parse literature into component pieces, but instead will use only ref_simple and ref_full. Possibly we could include a place for a DOI for direct linkage to a reference.
Literature souirces for county records will be expected to each have their own concept authorities. That is, we cannot simply say nominal or Kartesz or Weakley, but need to be able to assign a different reference for each county record. Because we could have hundreds of authorites, the current system of assigning authority perspectives may need to be rethought.
I think it would be valuable to add a download function where you can obtain all the county record data for a taxon as a spreadsheet that includes county, taxon concept, relationship to accepted concept, source of record, and quality (color) of record.