Bug #337
closedstorage type issues
KNB scientists wanted to classify storage type for attributes as "nominal",
"ordinal", "interval", rather than using the physical storage types we had
considered (e.g., test, integer, floating point). Need to clarify what the
contents of this field should be and possibly define a domain for the value-space.
Updated by Matt Jones about 23 years ago
Chnaging target milestone for the major EML bugs to Beta7, which is scheduled
for early to mid March for release. There are likely other bugs that need to be
entered and resolved for this Beta7 release as well, so lets generate a complete
Updated by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago
Possibly use STMML as a value contsraint for the value space for dataTypes.
Thus, it would be based on XML Datatypes as a base but would be extensible.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago
Chad. I will not get to this before I leave. Could you look into STMML and
come up with a strategy? Maybe have Chris review your approach before putting
it into the release. In particular, I think we need to be able to refer to
"dataType" as a storage type. This is somehow conflated with the "dimension"
for a quantity. The specific attribute is also associated with "units". I like
the STMML approach of separating dimension from units. Need to figure out how
dataType relates to these, particularly wrt complex types such as vectors and
matrices, as opposed to simple scalar values.
Also, still need to figure out how interval, ordinal, nominal, etc.
classifications fit into this.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 23 years ago
these issues are now addressed in bug 484