Bug #3500
closedrestrict content of boundingCoordinates, gRingLat and Long to lat and lon ranges
Currently, the boundingCoordinates in the GeographicCoverage Type (e.g., westBoundingCoordinate, etc) are of type xs:string. The content of these elements should be restricted to reasonable latitude and longitude values, e.g.,
lons: -180<x<180 and lats -90<x<90, inclusive.
<appinfo> should be updated as appropriate.
<xs:element name="westBoundingCoordinate" type="xs:decimal">
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="-180"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="180"/>
Updated by Margaret O'Brien over 16 years ago
schema bugs targeted for 2.1.0 set to P1
Updated by Margaret O'Brien about 16 years ago
Some other types in geographicCoverage also should be retyped. While looking for type xs:string elements (see bug #2512) I found these elements that should be numeric types, rather than strings:
altitudeMinimum and AltitudeMaximum - change to decimal
gRingLatitude and gRingLongitude - restrict these the same was as for boundingCoordinates.
fix those before you close this bug.
Updated by Margaret O'Brien about 16 years ago
done, including retyping mentioned in comment #2. documentation completed.