Bug #3722
closedparameters cannot be dragged onto the canvas
Parameters can no longer be dragged onto the canvas, they don't appear. This happens in kepler r16214 with ptII r51938.
Crawl also notes it happens with an old version of kepler from before the repository change to the new build system with ptII 51994, so it may be a recent change to ptII that's causing this problem. He notes the problem does not occur in ptII vergil.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 16 years ago
The Provenance Recorder also doesn't appear when dragged onto canvas.
Updated by Matt Jones about 16 years ago
Chances are this is an artifact related to one of the exp files not being in sync with the ptolemy repository. When Ptolemy updates something fundamental in one of our exp files, we at times can still compile but get unexpected behavior. I'd check for recent changes in exp files, particularly under ptolemy.vergil.*.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 16 years ago
This has been fixed, probably by one of Christopher's ptII checkins, perhaps the same that fixed bug 3723.